Kubectl expose

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expose dynamically exposes a resource, which can be a pod, another service, a deployment, replica set or a replication controller as a new service. If no service type is explicitly specified, ClusterIP is assumed. Specific service types (NodePort, LoadBalancer, or ExternalName) can be requested with --type.

Expose a Pod

If a pod is used, the command reads the pod's labels and creates a service with a matching selector. By default, if no type is specified, ClusterIP is assumed.

kubectl [-n <namespace>] expose pod <pod-name> \
  --name=<service-name> --port=<port> --target-port=<target-port> \
kubectl expose pod httpd --name=httpd-svc --port=9898 --target-port=80

Expose a Higher Level Controller

If a replication controller, deployment or replicaset are used, the command reads their selector and re-uses it for the service being created.


kubectl expose deployment my-deployment --name=my-service --type=ClusterIP

Expose a Service