OpenShift on Azure

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Create the Resource Group

The resource group can be created from the console, and it will encapsulate resources required by, and dedicated to the OpenShift cluster. The name of the resource group should be derived from the name of the cluster by adding the "-rg" postfix. There will be a one-to-one relationship between the resource group, cluster and ancillary resources. Select the appropriate region and set the corresponding LOCATION environment variable.

export CLUSTER_NAME=platform-cloud-aro-01
export LOCATION=eastus2

Register Resource Providers

export SUBSCRIPTION_ID="..."
az account set --subscription ${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}

Register the Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift, Microsoft.Compute and Microsoft.Storage resource providers:

az provider register -n Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift --wait
az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute --wait
az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage --wait

Get a Red Hat Pull Secret

Create the Cluster

export SUBSCRIPTION_ID="..."
az account set --subscription ${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}

az aro list-credentials --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP}

CLI Support

Azure CLI has an OpenShift extension, with subcommands aimed at managing Azure Red Hat OpenShift clusters.

az aro create|list|delete|list-credentials|show|update|wait

List OpenShift Clusters

az aro list