Packer Concepts

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An artifact is the result of a single build, and it is usually a set of IDs or a file to represent a machine image. Every builder produces a single artifact. In the case of the Amazon EC2 builder, the artifact is a set of AMI IDs (one per region). For the VMware builder, the artifact is a directory of files comprising the created virtual machine.


Templates are JSON files which define one or more builds by configuring the various components of Packer (builders, provisioners). Packer is able to read a template and use that information to create multiple machine images in parallel.

Template Engine

Writing Templates

Writing Templates



A builder is a Packer component that is able to create a machine image for a single platform. The builder reads in configuration and uses that to run and generate a machine image. A builder is invoked as part of a build to create the actual resulting images. Builders can be created and added to Packer in the form of plugins. VirtualBox, VMware, and Amazon EC2 are builders. An example of AWS builder is amazon-ebs.


AMI Builders




Provisioners are components of Packer that install and configure software within a running machine prior to that machine being turned into a static image. They perform the major work of making the image contain useful software. Provisioners include shell scripts, Chef, Puppet, etc. Provisioners are implemented as built in methods or executors of some third party software. They install and configure the machine image after the image has booted. A provisioner prepares the system for use by:

  • patching the kernel
  • installing patches
  • creating users

Available Provisioners


Packer file Provisioner


Packer shell Provisioner


Packer ansible-local Provisioner


A build is a single task that eventually produces an image for a single platform. Multiple builds run in parallel.


Post-processors are components of Packer that take the result of a builder or another post-processor and process that to create a new artifact. Examples of post-processors are compress to compress artifacts, upload to upload artifacts, etc.


Commands are sub-commands for the Packer program that perform some job. An example command is "build", which is invoked as packer build. Packer ships with a set of commands out of the box in order to define its command-line interface.

Public Subnet Considerations

Packer Operations