Virsh vol-create-as

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Creates a storage volume from the given set of command-line arguments, unlike vol-create, which requires an XML file configuration.

virsh vol-create-as --pool <pool-name> --name <volume-name> --capacity <capacity> --format <fomat>

The --format is important, it could be "raw" or "qcow2".

Before creating the volume, see:

Storage Volume Naming Convention

For examples, see Examples below.

After creation, the corresponding virtualization host filesystem file should be visible in the directory corresponding to the storage pool (ex. /main-storage-pool/.qcow2).

Naming Convention

Storage Volume Naming Convention



The pool name or pool UUID. The "--pool" label is optional if the pool name is specified as the first argument.


The storage volume name. The "--name" label is optional if the storage volume name is specified as the second argument.


The capacity, followed by one of the suffixes 'b', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T'. The capacity is specified in bytes if there is no suffix. The "--capacity" label is optional if the capacity is specified as the third argument.


If specified, the volume is not created, only the XML of the volume object is printed out.


The initial size to be allocated in the volume, as a scaled integer defaulting to bytes.


Acceptable format types: "raw", "bochs", "qcow", "qcow2", "qed", "host_device", and "vmdk". These are, however, only meant for file based storage pools. By default the qcow version that is used is version 3.


The source backing volume to be used if taking a snapshot of an existing volume.


The format of the snapshot backing volume; raw, bochs, qcow, qcow2, qed, vmdk, host_device.


Preallocate metadata for qcow2 images that don't support full allocation. This option creates a sparse image file with metadata, resulting in higher performance compared to images with no preallocation and only slightly higher initial disk space usage.


Create a New Raw Block Storage Volume

virsh vol-create-as --pool main-storage-pool --name test-nfs.raw --capacity 1G --format raw