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Contains files and directories from the build context that won't be uploaded to the docker host when the image is built. .dockerignore supports exclusion patterns similar to .gitignore.

⚠️ If a file or directory matches one of the .dockerignore patterns, it will not be possible to add it to the image with COPY.

 => ERROR [2/4] COPY ./common/docker/VERSION-base /automation                0.0s
 > [2/4] COPY ./common/docker/VERSION-base /automation:
failed to compute cache key: "/common/docker/VERSION-base" not found: not found

Also, the documentation says the semantics is similar to .gitingore's, but if a directory name is specified, it is not examined recursively. For example, if .dockerignore contains:


then a directory ./src/main/python/venv is not ignored, the full path relative to the docker context root must be specified:
