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# Specify storage driver one wants to use with docker. Default is devicemapper.
# Other possible options are overlay, overlay2 and "". Empty string means do
# not do any storage setup.


# A set of extra options that should be appended to the generated
# DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTIONS string. These options will be passed to the Docker
# daemon as-is and should be valid Docker storage options.
# EXTRA_DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTIONS="--storage-opt dm.fs=ext4"

# A quoted, space-separated list of devices to be used.  This currently
# expects the devices to be unpartitioned drives.  If "VG" is not specified,
# then use of the root disk's extra space is implied.

# DEVS=/dev/vdb

# The volume group to use for docker storage.  Defaults to the
# volume group where the root filesystem resides.  If VG is specified and the
# volume group does not exist, it will be created (which requires that "DEVS"
# be nonempty, since we don't currently support putting a second partition on
# the root disk).

# VG=docker_vg

# The size to which the root filesystem should be grown.
# Value should be acceptable to -L option of lvextend.


# The desired size for the docker data LV.  It defaults using 60% of all
# free space.
# DATA_SIZE can take values acceptable to "lvcreate -L" as well as some
# values acceptable to to "lvcreate -l". If user intends to pass values
# acceptable to "lvcreate -l", then only those values which contains "%"
# in syntax are acceptable.  If value does not contain "%" it is assumed
# value is suitable for "lvcreate -L".


# MIN_DATA_SIZE specifies the minimum size of data volume otherwise pool
# creation fails.
# Value should be a number followed by a optional suffix. "bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE"
# are valid suffixes. If no suffix is specified then value will be considered
# as mebibyte unit.
# Both upper and lower case suffix represent same unit of size. Use suffix B
# for Bytes, S for sectors as 512 bytes, K for kibibytes (1024 bytes), M for
# mebibytes (1024 kibibytes), G for gibibytes, T for tebibytes, P for
# pebibytes and E for exbibytes.


# Controls the chunk size/block size of thin pool. Value of CHUNK_SIZE
# be suitable to be passed to --chunk-size option of lvconvert.


# Enable resizing partition table backing root volume group. By default it
# is disabled until and unless GROWPART=true is specified.


# Enable/disable automatic pool extension using lvm


# Auto pool extension threshold (in % of pool size)


# Extend the pool by specified percentage when threshold is hit.


# Device wait timeout in seconds. This is generic timeout which can be used by
# docker storage setup service to wait on various kind of block devices.
# Setting a value of 0 can disable this wait.


# Wipe any signatures (partition, filesystem, lvm etc) found on disk.
# This could mean wiping the signature explicitly or using force options
# of various commands to wipe/overwrite signatures. By default signatures
# are not wiped and user needs to wipe these. One can change default behavior
# by setting WIPE_SIGNATURES=true. Be careful before using this option
# as this means if there was any leftover data on disk, it will be lost.


# By default no new volume and filesystem will be setup for docker
# root dir. Docker creates /var/lib/docker/ on top of underlying filesystem
# for storing images and containers.
# To carve out a separate logical volume for storing docker
# images/containers/volumes data, set DOCKER_ROOT_VOLUME=yes
# NOTE: devicemapper stores images/containers on thin pool.
# docker-storage-setup creates a logical volume with an XFS filesystem mounted
# on docker root directory (default: /var/lib/docker).


# Specify the desired size for docker root volume. It defaults to 40% of all
# free space.
# DOCKER_ROOT_VOLUME_SIZE can take values acceptable to "lvcreate -L" as well
# as some values acceptable to to "lvcreate -l". If user intends to pass
# values acceptable to "lvcreate -l", then only those values which
# contains "%" in syntax are acceptable.  If value does not contain "%" it
# is assumed value is suitable for "lvcreate -L".
# NOTE: If both STORAGE_DRIVER=devicemapper and DOCKER_ROOT_VOLUME=yes is
# set, docker-storage-setup would set up the thin pool for devicemapper
# first, followed by docker root volume. e.g if free space in the volume
# group is 10G, devicemapper thin pool size would be 4G (40% of 10G)
# and docker root volume would be 2.4G (40% of 6G).