Dell iDRAC and LifeCycle Controller Configuration

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This is the procedure to configure iDRAC and Dell LifeCycle Controller upon the first access, and then configure it in case further configuration changes are needed. The LifeCycle controller can be accessed at boot by pressing F10 during the boot sequence.


iDRAC Network Configuration

LifeCycle Controller Home -> Left Menu -> System Setup -> Advanced Hardware Configuration -> iDRAC Settings -> Network

Enable NIC: enabled

NIC Selection: LOM4

IPv4 Settings.

LifeCycle Controller Network Configuration

LifeCycle Controller Home -> Left Menu -> Settings -> Network Settings

NIC Card. Use the last one.

IPv4 Network Settings

I noticed that the LifeCycle controller network settings did not take - or did partially take - after an initial setup, so it is a good idea to check the Settings after reboot.

Initial Setup Procedure

I noticed that the LifeCycle controller network settings did not take - or did partially take - after an initial setup setup, so it is a good idea to check the Settings after reboot, following the Configuration details, below.

Step 1

Set Language and Keyboard Type.

Step 3

Assign one of the network cards present on the system to LifeCycle controller, and give it an IP address.

Choose the last network interface (em4), assign

Step 4

The network interface to use for iDRAC can be selected in Advanced Settings page -> Network.

By default is LOM1.

If you intend to change it to LOM4, perform this change first before assigning the IP address, changing the network card after assigning the IP address will discard IP address settings.

Then set up iDRAC network configuration and credentials. Assign the next IP address after the one assigned to the LifeCycle controller.

Step 5

Summary, iDRAC and LifeCycle Controller should have successive IP addresses.