Docker images

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List images in the local Docker registry.

docker images [image-name]
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
db                  latest              c0e4c08c3981        3 minutes ago       624.1 MB
rabbitmq            latest              3bb7a967fc6c        7 days ago          179.4 MB


-f, --force

Forces removal. This is necessary if the image is referenced from multiple repositories.


Uses a Go template:

docker images --format "{{.ID}}"
docker images --format "{{.ID}}, {{.Tag}}"


Don't truncate output.

-q, --quiet

Only show numeric IDs.

-f, --filter

Filter output based on conditions provided.

Regular expressions applied to <registry>:<tag>

docker images*pre*

Filter by time before=<some-image>, since=<some-image>:

docker images

Dangling Images

docker images --filter "dangling=true"

This is how to remove dangling images.

Check Whether a Specific Image Exists in the Repository

docker images -q

will return the hash if exists, empty string otherwise.