Jackson Annotations
Annotating a getter with @JsonProperty as follows will instruct the ObjectMapper to map the "name" property to "projectName" key in generated JSON content and vice-versa.
@JsonProperty("projectName") public String getName() { return name; }
Note that "{"projectName":"something"} comes on the wire and there is no annotation on the mutator setName(String s), Jackson is smart enough to figure out that @JsonProperty("projectName") on the corresponding accessor applies.
Class-level annotation. Do not include the given keys into JSON:
@JsonIgnoreProperties({"someKey"}) public interface Something { ... }
Note that both a base class and a subclass is annotated with @JsonIgnoreProperties, the base class annotation is ignored - it is overridden by the subclass'. That is why it is preferable to use [@JsonIgnore|Jackson#JsonIgnore] on individual properties.
Property-level annotation.
If a getter is annotated with this, the null values won't be included as empty keys.
@JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_EMPTY) public String getDescription() { return description; }