KVM Virtualization Storage Volume Removal, Off-Line Archival and Restoration

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This procedures can be used to remove a storage volume from a storage pool, while archiving its content off-line, and then restore the storage volume and its content at a later date.

Storage Volume Removal and Content Archival

1. Read the storage pool statistics before removal:

virsh pool-info <storage-pool-name>
Name:           main-storage-pool
UUID:           5e3b81b6-a596-404f-a091-ef738dc21df5
State:          running
Persistent:     yes
Autostart:      yes
Capacity:       874.04 GiB
Allocation:     568.73 GiB
Available:      305.31 GiB

The allocation and availability values will modify after procedure. For cross-reference, the 'df' information for the block device the storage pool resides on could also be recorded:

df -h
/dev/sda7       875G  620G  255G  71% /main-storage-pool

2. Read capacity and allocation of the volume(s) to be archived:

virsh vol-list --details <pool-name>
node3-docker.raw         /main-storage-pool/node3-docker.raw         file   10.00 GiB   10.00 GiB
node3.qcow2              /main-storage-pool/node3.qcow2              file   10.00 GiB    3.34 GiB

3. Determine the storage pool mapping on the virtualization host filesystem:

virsh pool-dumpxml <storage-pool-name>
<pool type='fs'>

4. Identify the file(s) corresponding to the storage volume(s) we want to archive.

virsh vol-list <storage-pool-name>
Name                 Path
node3-docker.raw     /main-storage-pool/node3-docker.raw
node3.qcow2          /main-storage-pool/node3.qcow2

5. "Download" the volume content into file. Use the name of the volume, with a ".download" postfix:

virsh vol-download /main-storage-pool/node3.qcow2 ./node3.qcow2.download
virsh vol-download /main-storage-pool/node3-docker.raw ./node3-docker.raw.download

6. Optionally, gzip the content:

cat node3-docker.raw.download | gzip > node3-docker.raw.download.gz

7. Export volume definition:

virsh vol-dumpxml /main-storage-pool/node3.qcow2  > node3.qcow2.xml
virsh vol-dumpxml /main-storage-pool/node3-docker.raw  > node3-docker.raw.xml

8. Archive volume definition and content.

9. Remove the volumes from the pool:

virsh vol-delete node3-docker.raw --pool main-storage-pool
virsh vol-delete node3.qcow2 --pool main-storage-pool

Storage Volume Restoration

1. Create the empty storage volumes based on their previously saved XML definition:

virsh vol-create <pool-name> ./volume-definition-file.xml

The pool name is found inside the volume definition file.

2. Expand and upload the previously saved storage volume content:

gunzip node3.qcow2.download.gz
virsh vol-upload <volume-name> <content-file> --pool <storage-pool-name> --offset 0
virsh vol-upload node3.qcow2 ./node3.qcow2.download --pool main-storage-pool --offset 0

3. Check consistency:

qemu-img check /main-storage-pool/node3.qcow2