Mac Multiple Desktops

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Mac allows you to place windows into different screens you can switch between. The feature was known as Spaces, and it is known "virtual desktop" or "workspace" in Linux. Multiple desktops are part of the Mission Control.

Access Mission Control

  • Swipe with three or four fingers on trackpad
  • F3
  • Control - Up Arrow

Manage the Number of Multiple Desktops


Access mission control.

  • Move the mouse in the top right corner. A dark area with a + sign will appear. Click on + and a new desktop will be created.


  • Drag and drop a window at the right of the row containing the currently configured desktops. A new desktop will be created for that window.


Access mission control. The currently configured multiple desktops will appear at the top of the screen.

You can remove a desktop by placing the cursor on it and clicking on the X control surface that appears in the upper left corner.

Navigate between Desktops

  • Control - Left/Right Arrow
  • Three or four fingers on the track pad and swipe right or left.

Placing Windows on Desktops

Drag the window and drop it to the edge of the screen.

Assign an Application to a Specific Desktop

Switch to the desktop you want to open the application in -> Ctrl + application icon -> Option -> This Desktop

Per-Desktop Color

Set the wallpaper in a specific desktop. It will always appear in that desktop.

System Preferences -> Desktop & Screensaver -> Desktop tab -> Solid Colors -> Custom Color ... -> Black.

The same functionality can be accessed with:

Right click -> Change desktop background -> ...

If there are two monitors, I need to do it in both monitors.

Stop Desktops from Shifting Around

System Preferences -> Mission Control -> Uncheck 'Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use'