Oc edit

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In-line metadata editing with vi. Exposes the metadata in YAML or JSON format for editing.

Changes are persisted immediately, and then OpenShift attempts to run oc update using the configuration file.

If an error occurs during the update process, the configuration is reverted to the original state. The modified configuration is saved in a temporary folder. The folder can be accessed and the update can be run again.

Generic Syntax

oc edit supports the following generic syntax:

oc edit <componentType>/<componentName> [-o json]

The default format is YAML.

oc edit daemonset/logging-fluentd
oc edit node/node1
oc edit pod/logging-fluentd-3kz30
oc edit oauthclient/kibana-proxy

The same pattern applies for oc describe.

For a complete list of OpenShift component types, see

OpenShift Objects


oc edit project <project-name>