OpenShift Logging Installation

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Installation During the Main Procedure

Logging must be explicitly enabled during the advanced installation, as described here:


Ansible installation deploys all resources needed to support the stack: Secrets, Service Accounts and DeploymentConfigs.

Installation Independent of the Main Procedure

There is also a dedicated Ansible playbook that can be used to deploy and upgrade logging independently of the main installation procedure:

ansible-playbook [-i </path/to/inventory>] /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/openshift-logging.yml

Post-Install Configuration

In order for the logging pods to spread evenly across the cluster, an empty node selector should be used. The "logging" project should have been created already. The empty per-project node selector can be updates as follows:

oc edit namespace logging
  annotations: ""

This is required by the fluentd DaemonSet to work correctly.

Installation Validation


ElasticSearch should be deployed, running, and operational - logs must not contain errors:

oc project logging
oc get pods -l 'component=es'
oc logs -f logging-es-3fs5ghyo-3-88749


oc logs -f logging-es-data-master-ebitzkr3-1-x0jch


All nodes should run a fluentd pod, and the fluentd pods should be operational, their logs must not contain errors.

oc project logging
oc get pods -l 'component=fluentd'
NAME                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
logging-fluentd-2r4rt   1/1       Running   0          49m
logging-fluentd-37d72   1/1       Running   0          35m
logging-fluentd-4ljkn   1/1       Running   0          3h
logging-fluentd-74l39   1/1       Running   0          3h
logging-fluentd-7l25h   1/1       Running   0          3h
logging-fluentd-sbh7r   1/1       Running   0          3h
logging-fluentd-w4shg   1/1       Running   0          39m
oc logs -f logging-fluentd-2r4rt 


ElasticSearch should be deployed, running, and operational - logs must not contain errors:

oc project logging
oc get pods -l 'component=kibana'
oc logs -f -c kibana-proxy logging-kibana-10-sb7sk
oc logs -f -c kibana logging-kibana-10-sb7sk

The Logging Portal

The logging portal should be available: