Rsync with ssh on Synology NAS

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The rsync path on the Synology NAS server has to be explicitly specified with --rsync-path. This command is executed on a different machine that connects to the Synology NAS server via ssh.

rsync [--protect-args] --rsync-path=/usr/syno/bin/rsync -avzhe ssh "root@ Archive/Windows 10 x64.vmwarevm" ./local-dir

To pull content from a Mac (the Mac has to have the latest rsync installed):

sync --protect-args --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync -avzhe ssh "ovidiu@${mac_ip}:/Users/ovidiu/VMware Fusion VMs/Windows 10 x64.vmwarevm" .

To push content to a Mac (the Mac has to have the latest rsync installed), from the Mac:

cd /Users/ovidiu/VMware Fusion VMs
rsync --protect-args --rsync-path=/usr/syno/bin/rsync -avzhe ssh "root@ Archive/Windows 10 x64.vmwarevm" .