Shell Interaction in Python

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Command Line Argument Processing

Standalone Python programs often needs to handle command line arguments.

sys.argv is the list containing arguments as strings.

The path of the script being executed is available on position 0.

import sys

print(f"Arguments count: {len(sys.argv)}")
for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
  print(f"Argument {i:>1}: {arg}")

Also explore argparse.

Execute an O/S Command

Execute an O/S Command with the subprocess Module

Execute an O/S Command with the subprocess Module

Other Methods



from shutil import which

  "aws":                "awscli",
  "aws-login":          "aws-login",
  "aws-eks-configure":  "aws-eks-configure"
for c in commands:
  print("{:20}{:7}".format(commands[c], "OK" if which(c) else "missing"))