Spinnaker Create Pipeline from Command Line

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A pipeline, including its parameters, can be fully declared in a JSON file and then instantiated via CLI.

The JSON representation is similar to:

  "schema": "v2",
  "application": "aiml-automation-test",
  "name": "color-pipeline",
  "keepWaitingPipelines": false,
  "limitConcurrent": true,
  "parameterConfig": [
      "name": "color",
      "default": "blue",
      "label": "The Color",
      "description": "The color to be presented to the user",
      "pinned": true,
      "required": true
  "stages": [
      "refId": "1",
      "name": "Manual Judgement",
      "type": "manualJudgment",
      "instructions": "Do you like the ${execution.trigger.parameters['color']} color?",
      "judgmentInputs": [
          "value": "Yes"
          "value": "No"
      "failPipeline": true

Once saved in some-file.json, the pipeline can be created with:

spin pipeline save --file  ./some-file.json

The pipeline can be executed from the UI, where the "Select Execution Parameters" window will pop up, or from the command line with a --parameter-file option, that will provide the value of the parameters that way.

spin pipeline execute --application "<application-name>" --name "<pipeline-name>" --parameter-file "<parameter-file>"

More details on execution are available here:

Executing a Pipeline in Command Line