WildFly Paths
- EAP 6 Administration and Configuration Guide - Filesystem Paths https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6.4/html/Administration_and_Configuration_Guide/sect-Filesystem_Paths.html
WildFly uses logical names for filesystem paths. All top-level configuration files standalone.xml, domain.xml and host.xml include a <paths> section for declaring paths. Closer declaration to the server take precedence.
For domain.xml, the <paths> element must occur between <system-properties> and <management>.
WildFly Standard Paths
"relative-to" attribute references a global path name in the domain model.
Adding Custom Paths
We can add more named paths, so we can use them as "relative-to". They are added as follows:
<server ...> <extensions> ... </extensions> <paths> <path name="hornetq.shared.dir" path="C:/tmp/hqd"/> </paths> ... </server>
In the above example, "hornetq.shared.dir" can be used as path name for "relative-to" used in HornetQ configuration.
Adding Custom Paths within the WildFly Layout
A custom path that lives within the WildFly layout can be declared in two ways - either as an absolute path, or a path relative to one of the WildFly "known" locations:
<paths> <path name="hornetq.active.dir" path="${jboss.server.data.dir}/hornetq-active"/> </paths>
<paths> <path name="hornetq.active.dir" path="hornetq-active" relative-to="jboss.server.data.dir"/> </paths>