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=Machine Learning=

The science of getting computers to learn without being explicitly programmed ([ Arthur Samuel]).

A computer program is said to ''learn'' from ''experience'' E with respect to some ''task'' T and some ''performance measure'' P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E (Tom Mitchell)

=Neural Networks=
* [[MATLAB Octave|MATLAB/Octave]]
* [[Lakehouse]]

Learning algorithms that mimic how the brain works.

=Natural Language Processing (NLP)=
* [[Machine Learning Concepts and Conventions|Concepts and Conventions]]
* [[Logistic Regression]]
* [[Neural Networks]]
* [[Minimization Algorithms]]
* [[Data Mesh]]
* [[Superset]]
* [[Ray]]

=Learning Algorithms=

==Supervised Learning==
* [[Machine Learning TODEPLETE and ERASE]]
* Machine learning systems: TensorFlow, PyTorch, XGBoost,
In supervised learning, we have at our disposal a dataset that tell us which is the "correct answer".
Input variables, output (target) variables.
A pair of one input variable and one output variable is called a training example.
The dataset is called a training set.
Definition: given a training set, learn a function h: X -> Y so that h(x) is a "good" predictor for the corresponding value of y. For historical reason, this function is called hypothesis. The learning algorithm outputs a function (h - hypothesis). The hypothesis function maps input variables to output variables. When the target variable we're trying to predict is continuous, the learning problem is a [[#Regression_Problem|regression problem]]. When the target variable can only take a number of discrete values, we call the problem a [[#Classification_Problem|classification problem]].
The accuracy of the hypothesis is measured by a cost function. A common cost function is the ''squared error function''.
We are trying to minimize the cost function.
===Regression Problem===
The goal is to predict a continuous value.
See: {{Internal|Regression|Regression}}
===Classification Problem===
A ''classification problem'' is the problem of identifying which category (out of a set of categories) an example belongs to. The goal of a classification problem is to predict a discrete value out of a set of possible discrete values.
See: {{Internal|Classification|Classification}}
==Unsupervised Learning==
* Clustering problems.
==Reinforcement Learning==
==Recommender System==
Synonymous with ''attribute''.
* Infinite number of features.
* Support vector machine

Latest revision as of 17:18, 19 July 2023