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=Machine Learning=

The science of getting computers to learn without being explicitly programmed ([ Arthur Samuel]).

A computer program is said to ''learn'' from ''experience'' E with respect to some ''task'' T and some ''performance measure'' P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E (Tom Mitchell)

=Neural Networks=
* [[MATLAB Octave|MATLAB/Octave]]
* [[Lakehouse]]

Learning algorithms that mimic how the brain works.

=Natural Language Processing (NLP)=
* [[Machine Learning Concepts and Conventions|Concepts and Conventions]]
* [[Logistic Regression]]
* [[Neural Networks]]
* [[Minimization Algorithms]]
* [[Data Mesh]]
* [[Superset]]
* [[Ray]]

=Learning Algorithms=

==Supervised Learning==
* [[Machine Learning TODEPLETE and ERASE]]
* Machine learning systems: TensorFlow, PyTorch, XGBoost,
In supervised learning, we have at our disposal a dataset that tell us which is the "correct answer".
Input variables, output (target) variables.
A pair of one input variable and one output variable is called a training example.
The dataset is called a training set.
Definition: given a training set, learn a function h: X -> Y so that h(x) is a "good" predictor for the corresponding value of y. For historical reason, this function is called hypothesis. The learning algorithm outputs a function (h - hypothesis). The hypothesis function maps input variables to output variables. When the target variable we're trying to predict is continuous, the learning problem is a [[#Regression_Problem|regression problem]]. When the target variable can only take a number of discrete values, we call the problem a [[#Classification_Problem|classification problem]].
The accuracy of the hypothesis is measured by a cost function. A common cost function is the ''squared error function'' or ''mean squared error''.
We are trying to minimize the cost function.
Gradient descent is an algorithm to minimize the cost function (and other functions). Local minimum (local optimum). Alpha is the ''learning rate''.
===Regression Problem===
The goal is to predict a continuous value.
See: {{Internal|Regression|Regression}}
===Classification Problem===
A ''classification problem'' is the problem of identifying which category (out of a set of categories) an example belongs to. The goal of a classification problem is to predict a discrete value out of a set of possible discrete values.
See: {{Internal|Classification|Classification}}
==Unsupervised Learning==
* Clustering problems.
==Reinforcement Learning==
==Recommender System==
Synonymous with ''attribute''.
* Infinite number of features.
* Support vector machine

Latest revision as of 17:18, 19 July 2023