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* [ Amazon API Developer Guide]

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=Amazon API Gateway=
=Amazon API Gateway=

Amazon API Gateway is the preferred way to expose internal AWS endpoints to external clients, in form of a consistent and scalable programming REST interface (REST API). Amazon API Gateway can expose the following [[#Integration_Endpoint|integration endpoints]]: '''internal HTTP(S) endpoints''' - representing custom services, '''AWS Lambda functions''' and other '''AWS services''', such as [[Amazon Kinesis]] or [[Amazon S3]]. The backend endpoints are exposed by creating an API Gateway REST API ([[#RestApi|RestApi]]) and [[#Integration|integrating]] API methods with their corresponding backend endpoints. Each of the backend endpoints specified above is associated with an [[#Integration_Types|integration type]].
Amazon API Gateway is the preferred way to expose internal AWS endpoints to external clients, in form of a consistent and scalable programming REST interface (REST API). Amazon API Gateway can expose the following [[#Integration_Endpoint|integration endpoints]]: '''internal HTTP(S) endpoints''' - representing custom services, '''AWS Lambda functions''' and other '''AWS services''', such as [[Amazon Kinesis]] or [[Amazon S3]]. The backend endpoints are exposed by creating an API Gateway REST API, which is the instantiation of a [[#RestApi|RestApi]] object, and [[#Integration|integrating]] API methods with their corresponding backend endpoints, using specific [[#Integration_Endpoints_and_Types|integration types]].
An API is a collection of HTTP [[#Resource|resources]] and methods that are integrated with backend HTTP endpoints, Lambda functions, or other AWS services. This collection can be deployed in one or more [[#Stage|stages]]. Typically, API resources are organized in a resource tree according to the application logic. Each API resource can expose one or more API methods that have unique HTTP verbs supported by API Gateway. Each API is represented by an [[#RestApi|RestApi]] instance.
===API Name===
The API name is the human-readable name the API is listed under in the AWS console. If the API was built from OpenAPI metadata, the name is given by the value of the [[OpenAPI_Specification#title|info.title]] element. More than one API may have the same name.
===API ID===
The REST API ID is part of various API elements' ARNs.
===API Type===
====Regional API====
A regional API is deployed in the current region.
====Edge-Optimized API====
An edge-optimized API is deployed to the [[Amazon CloudFront]] network.
====Private API====
A private API is only accessible from the VPC. This is different from [[#Private_Integration|private integration]], where the endpoints are deployed in a private VPC, but they are exposed publicly by the API.
==<span id='Deployment'></span>API Deployment==
An API Deployment is a point-in-time snapshot of an [[#API|API]], encapsulating the resources, methods and the other API elements as they exist in the API at the moment of the deployment. An API deployment cannot be directly used by the clients, it must be associated with and exposed through a [[#Stage|stage]]. Conceptually, a deployment is like an executable of an API: once a [[#RestAPI|RestApi]] is created, it requires deployment and association with a [[#Stage|stage]] to make it callable by its users. API deployments cannot be viewed directly in the API Gateway Console, they are accessible though a stage. <font color=darkgray>Can they be listed via AWS CLI, though?</font>
Every time an API is modified in such a way that one of its methods, integrations, routes, authorizers, or anything else other than [[#Stage|stage]] settings change, the API must be redeployed into an existing, or a new stage. [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Resource|Resource]] updates require redeploying the API, whereas configuration updates to not.
A stage is a named reference to a [[#Deployment|deployment]]. It is named "stage" because it was intended to be a logical reference to a lifecycle state of the REST API: 'dev', 'prod', 'beta', 'v2', as it evolves. As such, stages allow robust version control of the API. API stages are identified by API ID and stage name. The stage makes the API available for client applications to call. The API snapshot includes [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Method|methods]], [[#Integration|integrations]], [[#Model|models]], [[#Mapping_Template|mapping templates]], [[#Authorizer|Lambda authorizers]], etc. An API must be [[#API_Deployment|deployed]] in a stage to be accessible to clients.
Various aspects of the deployment can be configured at the stage level:
* [[#API_Caching|API caching]]
* [[#Method_Throttling|Method throttling]]
* [[#Integration_with_Web_Application_Firewall_.28WAF.29|Integration with Web Application Firewall (WAF)]]
* [[#Client_Certificates|Client certificates]] the API Gateway uses to authenticate against the integration endpoints in calls into.
* [[#Logging|Logging]]
* [[#X-Ray_Integration|X-Ray integration]]
* [[#SDK_Generation|SDK generation]]
* [[#Canary_Deployment|Canary deployments]]
The stage also allows access to [[#API_Deployment|deployment]] history and documentation history.
Internally, an API stage is represented by a [[#Stage_2|Stage]] resource.
===Stage Name===
The stage name is part of the [[#API_URL|API URL]].
===Current Deployment===
The latest [[#API_Deployment|API Deployment]] for a stage is the '''current deployment''' for that stage. Creating a new deployment makes it the current deployment.
===Stage Variable===
Stage variables can be set in the Stage Editor and can be used in the API configuration to parameterize the integration of a request. Stage variables are also available in the $context object of the [[#Mapping_Template|mapping templates]].
===<span id='Stage_Tag'></span>Stage Tags===
{{Internal|Amazon_AWS_Concepts#Tags|AWS Tags}}
===Stage Operations===
{{Internal|Amazon_API_Gateway_Operations#API_Deployment|Amazon API Gateway Operations - API Deployment}}{{Internal|Amazon_API_Gateway_Operations#Stage_Manipulation|Amazon API Gateway Operations - Stage Manipulation}}

=<span id='API_URL'></span><span id='Invoke_URL'></span>Amazon Gateway URL=
=<span id='API_URL'></span><span id='Invoke_URL'></span>Amazon Gateway URL=

The URL is determined by a protocol (HTTP(S) or WSS), a hostname, a [[#Stage|stage]] name and, for REST APIs, the [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Resource_Path|resource path]]. This URL is also known as "Invoke URL":
The URL is determined by a protocol (HTTP(S) or WSS), a hostname, a [[#Stage|stage]] name and, for REST APIs, the [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Resource_Path|resource path]]. This URL is also known as "Invoke URL".

  https://<font color=teal><[[#API_ID|restapi-id]]></font>.execute-api.<font color=teal><region></font><font color=teal><[[#Stage_Name|stage-name]]></font>/<font color=teal><[[REST_and_Hypermedia#Resource_Path|resource-path]]></font>
  https://<font color=teal><[[#API_ID|restapi-id]]></font>.execute-api.<font color=teal><region></font><font color=teal><[[#Stage_Name|stage-name]]></font>/<font color=teal><[[REST_and_Hypermedia#Resource_Path|resource-path]]></font>
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==Amazon Gateway API Base URL==
==Amazon Gateway API Base URL==

The hostname and the [[#Stage|stage]] name determine the API's base URL.
The hostname and the [[#Stage|stage]] name determine the API's base URL:
https://<font color=teal><[[#API_ID|restapi-id]]></font>.execute-api.<font color=teal><region></font><font color=teal><[[#Stage_Name|stage-name]]></font>/

==Amazon Gateway Hostname==
==Amazon Gateway Hostname==

  https://<font color=teal><[[#API_ID|restapi-id]]></font>.execute-api.<font color=teal>'''{region}'''</font>
  https://<font color=teal><[[#API_ID|restapi-id]]></font>.execute-api.<font color=teal>'''{region}'''</font>
==Base Path==
See [[#Custom_Domain_Name|Custom Domain Names]] below.


A client uses an API to access backend features by sending [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Request|Method Requests]]. The API Gateway translates the client request, if necessary, into a format acceptable to the back end, creating an [[#Integration_Request|Integration Request]], and forwards the Integration Request to the backend endpoint. The backend returns an [[#Integration_Response|Integration Response]] to the API Gateway, which is in turn translated by the gateway into a [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Response|Method Response]] and sent to the client, mapping, if necessary, the backend response data to a form acceptable to the client. As an API developer, you can control the behavior of the API frontend interactions by providing (coding) appropriate method requests and responses. You can control the behavior of the API's backend interactions by setting up the integration requests and responses. These may involve data mapping between a method and its corresponding integration.
The integration represents an interface between the API Gateway and a backend endpoint. A client uses an API to access backend features by sending [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Request|method requests]]. The API Gateway translates the client request, if necessary, into a format acceptable to the back end, creating an [[#Integration_Request|integration request]], and forwards the integration request to the backend endpoint. The backend returns an [[#Integration_Response|integration response]] to the API Gateway, which is in turn translated by the gateway into a [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Response|method response]] and sent to the client, mapping, if necessary, the backend response data to a form acceptable to the client. The API developer can control the behavior of the API frontend interactions by providing (coding) method requests and responses and making them part of the API. The API developer can control the behavior of the API's backend interactions by setting up the integration requests and responses. These may involve data mapping between a method and its corresponding integration.
==Integration and Swagger Operations==
In case the API was generated based on Swagger metadata, An API Gateway "integration" can be logically thought as of a "wrapper" around a Swagger [[OpenAPI_Specification#Operation|operation]], that enhances the operation semantically, by specififying how the API Gateway handles the operation, for each operation.
Also see: {{Internal|OpenAPI_Specification#Operation|OpenAPI Operation}}

==<span id='Integration_Endpoint'></span><span id='Integration_Type'></span>Integration Endpoints and Types==
==<span id='Integration_Endpoint'></span><span id='Integration_Type'></span>Integration Endpoints and Types==

Amazon API Gateway can integrate three types of backend endpoints, and can also simulate a mock integration endpoint:
Amazon API Gateway can integrate three types of backend endpoints, and can also simulate a mock integration endpoint:
* HTTP(S) endpoints, representing client REST API services or web sites, can be integrated with [[#Proxy_Integration|HTTP proxy integration]] and [[#Custom_Integration|HTTP custom integration]].
* <span id='http_endpoints'></span>'''HTTP(S) endpoints''', representing client REST API services or web sites, can be integrated with [[#Proxy_Integration|HTTP proxy integration]] and [[#Custom_Integration|HTTP custom integration]]. Specified as "http" or "http_proxy" in the [[Amazon_API_Gateway_Extension_to_OpenAPI#type|configuration metadata]]. The difference between "http_proxy" and "http" is that in case of "http_proxy", the client request is passed to the backend as-is, as described in the [[#Proxy_Integration|Proxy Integration]] section below, while in the case of "http", the client request is modified, as described in the [[#Custom_Integration|Custom Integration]] section.
* <span id='Lambda_Function_Integration'></span>Lambda functions can be integrated with [[#Proxy_Integration|Lambda proxy integration]] and [[#Custom_Integration|Lambda custom integration]]. The Lambda custom integration is a special case of AWS integration, where the integration endpoint corresponds to the [[AWS_Lambda_Concepts#Invoke|function-invoking action]] of the Lambda service.
* <span id='Lambda_Function_Integration'></span>'''Lambda functions''' can be integrated with [[#Proxy_Integration|Lambda proxy integration]] and [[#Custom_Integration|Lambda custom integration]]. The Lambda custom integration is a special case of AWS integration, where the integration endpoint corresponds to the [[AWS_Lambda_Concepts#Invoke|function-invoking action]] of the Lambda service. Lambda integration is specified as "aws_proxy" in the [[Amazon_API_Gateway_Extension_to_OpenAPI#type|configuration metadata]].
* AWS service endpoints ([[Amazon Kinesis]] or [[Amazon S3]]) can only be integrated with [[#Custom_Integration|non-proxy (custom) integration]].
* '''AWS service endpoints''' ([[Amazon Kinesis]] or [[Amazon S3]]) can only be integrated with [[#Custom_Integration|non-proxy (custom) integration]]. Specified as "aws" in the [[Amazon_API_Gateway_Extension_to_OpenAPI#type|configuration metadata]].
* Mock backend endpoints, where API gateway serves as an integration endpoint itself. More in [[#Mock_Integration|mock integration]] below.
* '''Mock''' backend endpoints, where API gateway serves as an integration endpoint itself. More in [[#Mock_Integration|mock integration]] below. Specified as "mock" in the [[Amazon_API_Gateway_Extension_to_OpenAPI#type|configuration metadata]].

The integration type is defined by how the API Gateway passes data to and from the integration endpoint:
The integration type is defined by how the API Gateway passes data to and from the integration endpoint:
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===Proxy Integration===
===Proxy Integration===

In general, proxy integration implies a simple integration setup with a single HTTP endpoint or Lambda function, where the client request is passed with minimal, or no processing at all, to the backend, as input, and the backend processing result is passed directly to the client. This integration relies on direct interaction between the client and the integrated backend. Because of that, the backend can evolve without requiring updates or reconfiguration of the integration point in the API Gateway. There is no need to set the [[#Integration_Request|integration request]] or [[#Integration_Response|integration response]]. This is the preferred integration type to call Lambda functions through the API Gateway.
In general, proxy integration implies a simple integration setup with a single HTTP endpoint or Lambda function, where the client request is passed with minimal, or no processing at all, to the backend, as input, and the backend processing result is passed directly to the client. The request data that is passed through includes request headers, query string parameters, [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Path_Variable|URL path variables]] and payload. This integration relies on direct interaction between the client and the integrated backend, with no intervention from the API Gateway. Because of that, the backend can evolve without requiring updates or reconfiguration of the integration point in the API Gateway. <font color=darkgray>There is no need to set the [[#Integration_Request|integration request]] or [[#Integration_Response|integration response]]. More details needed here.</font> This is the preferred integration type to call Lambda functions through the API Gateway.  
{{Note|Proxy integration should be preferred if there are no specific needs to transform the client request for the backend or transform the backend response data for the client.}}
====Proxy Resource====
<font color=darkgray>I don't understand this, expand.</font>
Proxy resources handle requests to all sub-resources using a greedy path parameter: {proxy+}. Creating a proxy resource also creates a special HTTP method called [[#ANY_verb|ANY]].
====<span id='ANY'></span>ANY verb====
The ANY method supports all valid HTTP verbs and forwards requests to a single HTTP endpoint or Lambda integration.
====API of a Single Method====
Uses the [[#Proxy_Resource|{proxy+}]] proxy resource and the [[#ANY|ANY]] verb. The method exposes the entire set of the publicly accessible HTTP resources and operations of a website. When the backend HTTP endpoint opens more resources, the client can use these resources with the same API setup.
====http_proxy Integration====
A 'http_proxy' integration simply sends the client requests, including path, headers and body, to the backend, and sends the integration response, including headers and body, to the client. <font color=darkgray>It is not possible to interact with the response, such as add or overwrite response headers. Use '[[#http_Integration|http]]' custom integration for that.</font>
=====HTTP Proxy Integration Example=====
{{Internal|Amazon API Gateway HTTP Proxy Integration Example|Amazon API Gateway HTTP Proxy Integration Example}}

===Custom Integration===
===Custom Integration===

Custom integration implies a more elaborated setup procedure. For a custom integration, both the [[#Integration_Request|integration request]] and [[#Integration_Response|integration response]] must be configured, and necessary data mappings from the [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Request|method request]] to the [[#Integration_Request|integration request]] and from the [[#Integration_Response|integration response]] to the  [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Response|method response]] must be put in place. Among other things, custom integration allows for reuse of configured [[#Mapping_Template|mapping templates]] for multiple integration endpoints that have similar requirements of the input and output data formats. Since the setup is more involved, custom integration is recommended for more advanced application scenarios.
Custom integration implies a more elaborated setup procedure. For a custom integration, both the [[#Integration_Request|integration request]] and [[#Integration_Response|integration response]] must be configured, and necessary data mappings from the [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Request|method request]] to the [[#Integration_Request|integration request]] and from the [[#Integration_Response|integration response]] to the  [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Response|method response]] must be put in place. Among other things, custom integration allows for reuse of configured [[#Mapping_Template|mapping templates]] for multiple integration endpoints that have similar requirements of the input and output data formats. Since the setup is more involved, custom integration is recommended for more advanced application scenarios.
====http Integration====
Also see [[#http_proxy_Integration|'http_proxy' Integration]].

===Mock Integration===
===Mock Integration===

This integration type lets API Gateway return a response without sending the request further to the backend. It is useful for testing and enables collaborative development of an API, where a team can isolate their development effort by setting up simulations of the API components owned by other teams.
This integration type lets API Gateway return a response without sending the request further to the backend. A mock integration is a "loop-back" endpoint that does not invoke into any backend. Mock integration is useful for testing and enables collaborative development of an API, where a team can isolate their development effort by setting up simulations of the API components owned by other teams. This integration is specified as "mock" in the [[Amazon_API_Gateway_Extension_to_OpenAPI#type|configuration metadata]].

===Configuring Integration Type===
===Configuring Integration Type===

For details on how to configure a specific integration type, see below: {{Internal|#Integration_Resource|Integration resource}}
For details on how to configure a specific integration type, see below: {{Internal|#Integration_Resource|Integration resource}}
==Private Integration==
By private integration we understand an arrangement where the endpoints are deployed into a [[Amazon_VPC_Concepts#Virtual_Private_Cloud_.28VPC.29|VPC]] and they are not publicly accessible. It is the API Gateway that exposes publicly the endpoint's resources, or a subset of them. For HTTP or HTTP proxy integration, private integration is configured by specifying a "connectionType" as VPC_LINK. The private integration can have open access or controlled access, which is implemented using IAM permissions, a Lambda authorizer or an Amazon Cognito user pool.
===VPC Link===
{{External|[ Set Up Private Integration]}}
A VPC link enables access to a private resource available in a [[Amazon_VPC_Concepts#Virtual_Private_Cloud_.28VPC.29|VPC]], without requiring it to be apriori publicly accessible. It requires a [[#VpcLink|VpcLink]] API Gateway resource to be created. The VpcLink encapsulates the connection between the API Gateway and the targeted VPC resource. The VpcLink may target one or more [[AWS_Elastic_Load_Balancing_Concepts#Network_Load_Balancer|network load balancers]] of the VPC, which in turn should be configured to forward the requests to the final endpoint, running in the VPC. The network load balancer must be created in advance, as shown here: {{Internal|AWS_Elastic_Load_Balancing_Operations#Create_a_Network_Load_Balancer|VPC Operations - Create a Network Load Balancer}}
The API method is then integrated with a [[#Private_Integration|private integration]] that uses the [[#VpcLink|VpcLink]]. The private integration has an integration type of HTTP or HTTP_PROXY and has a connection type of VPC_LINK. The integration uses the connectionId property to identify the VpcLink used.
====Target Load Balancer====
A VPC Link must specify a list of network load balancer ARNs, belonging to the VPC targeted by the VPC link. The network load balancers must be owned by the same AWS account of the API owner. At least one target network load balancer ARN must be specified.
====VPC Link Operations====
* [[Amazon_API_Gateway_Deployment_with_CloudFormation#AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink|Create a VPC Link with CloudFormation]]
* [[Amazon_API_Gateway_Operations#Create_a_VPC_Link|Create a VPC Link with Amazon Console]]

==Integration Request==
==Integration Request==

The API Gateway translates, if necessary, a client [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Request|Method Request]] into a format acceptable to the back end and creates an [[#Integration_Request|Integration Request]]. The Integration Request is forwarded to the backend endpoint. The Integration Request is part of the REST API's interface with the backend.  
The API Gateway translates, if necessary, a client [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Request|method request]] into a format acceptable to the back end and creates an [[#Integration_Request|integration request]]. The integration request is forwarded to the backend endpoint. The integration request is part of the REST API's interface with the backend.

==Integration Response==
==Integration Response==

The backend returns an [[#Integration_Response|Integration Response]] to the API Gateway, which in turn translates. it into a [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Response|Method Response]] and sends it to the client, mapping, if necessary, the backend response data to a form acceptable to the client. The Integration Response is part of the REST API's interface with the backend. Also see [[#IntegrationResponse|IntegrationResponse]] below.
The backend returns an [[#Integration_Response|integration response]] to the API Gateway, which in turn translates. it into a [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Response|method response]] and sends it to the client, mapping, if necessary, the backend response data to a form acceptable to the client. The integration response is part of the REST API's interface with the backend. Also see [[#IntegrationResponse|IntegrationResponse]] below.
=Mapping Template=

=API Gateway Resources=
=API Gateway Resources=
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====API ID====
{{External|[ RestApi Reference]}}

The REST API ID is part of various API elements' ARNs.
A <tt>RestApi</tt> represents an Amazon API Gateway [[#API|API]].

{{External|[ Resource Reference]}}
{{Internal|REST_and_Hypermedia#Resource|REST and Hypermedia - Resource}}
A <tt>Resource</tt> contains [[#Method|methods]].

{{External|[ Method Reference]}}
{{Internal|REST_and_Hypermedia#Method|REST and Hypermedia - Methods}}

====Method Throttling====
====Method Throttling====
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* <tt>HTTP_PROXY</tt>: exposes a HTTP(S) endpoint as an integration endpoin, via [[#Proxy_Integration|proxy integration]].
* <tt>HTTP_PROXY</tt>: exposes a HTTP(S) endpoint as an integration endpoin, via [[#Proxy_Integration|proxy integration]].
* <tt>MOCK</tt>: sets up a [[#Mock_Integration|mock integration]] endpoint.
* <tt>MOCK</tt>: sets up a [[#Mock_Integration|mock integration]] endpoint.
Also see above: {{Internal|#Integration|Integration}}

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{{Internal|#VPC_Link|VPC Link}}

==Amazon API Gateway Resources that Require Configuration Changes without Redeployment==
==Amazon API Gateway Resources that Require Configuration Changes without Redeployment==
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===<span id='Deployment'></span><span id='API_Deployment'></span>Deployment (API Deployment)===
===<span id='Deployment'></span><span id='API_Deployment'></span>Deployment (API Deployment)===

A Deployment resource represents a REST API deployment in Amazon API Gateway. The Deployment is like an executable of an API represented by a [[#RestApi|RestApi]] resource. Once an [[#RestAPI|RestApi]] is created, it requires deployment and association with a [[#Stage|stage]] to make it callable by its users. To call a deployed URL, clients submit [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Request|requests]] against the API's URL.
See [[#API_Deployment|API Deployment]] above.
[[REST_and_Hypermedia#Resource|Resource]] updates require redeploying the API, whereas configuration updates to not.

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{{External|[ Stage]}}
{{External|[ Stage]}}

An API stage is represented by a [ Stage] resource and represents a named reference to a [[#Deployment|deployment]], and at the same time, a snapshot of the API, including [[REST_and_Hypermedia#Method|methods]], [[#Integration|integrations]], [[#Model|models]], [[#Mapping_Template|mapping templates]], [[#Authorizer|Lambda authorizers]], etc. An API must be deployed in a stage to be accessible to clients. The stage is the Amazon API Gateway element where various aspects of the deployment can be configured:
See [[#Stage|Stage]] above.
* [[#API_Caching|API caching]]
* [[#Method_Throttling|Method throttling]]
* [[#Integration_with_Web_Application_Firewall_.28WAF.29|Integration with Web Application Firewall (WAF)]]
* [[#Client_Certificates|Client certificates]] the API Gateway uses to authenticate against the integration endpoints in calls into.
{{External|[ Tracing, Logging, and Monitoring an API Gateway API]}}
{{External|[ Set Up CloudWatch API Logging in API Gateway]}}
==Role Required for Logging==
<font color=darkgray>To enable API Gateway CloudWatch logs, create (or locate) an IAM role that allows API Gateway to write logs in CloudWatch. Elaborate here. Search for "Permissions for CloudWatch Logging" in</font>
==CloudWatch Execution Logging==
CloudWatch API execution logs are a rendering of the API execution operations, which are the calls the API clients make against the API gateway. The name “execution” probably comes from the the "execute-api" component, which is the component the calls that are logged are invoked against. The execution logs are managed by the API Gateway, which performs CloudWatch log management, such as creating log groups and log streams, and the actual log generation, on behalf of the user. The execution logs can be enabled via the AWS Console by navigating to the [[#Stage|stage]] we want logging enabled on, selecting the "Logs/Tracing" tab, CloudWatch Settings, then checking "Enable CloudWatch Logs", optionally "Log full request/responses data". The log level (ERROR or INFO) can also be specified at this stage. Execution logging can be enabled declaratively in a CloudFormation template, as shown here: {{Internal|Amazon_API_Gateway_Deployment_with_CloudFormation#Execution_Logging_Configuration|Execution Logging Configuration with CloudFormation}}
Once enabled, a new log group named API-Gateway-Execution-Logs_''rest-api-id''/''stage-name'' is created and the execution logs can be retrieved from it. The log group contains multiple log streams. <font color=darkgray>Why there are a large number of empty streams? The number seem to grow over time.</font> Each non-empty log stream seems to correspond to an API invocation. The non-empty log streams can be separated by sorting by "Last Event Time": the non-empty streams will have a non-empty "Last Event Time".  The logged data includes errors or execution traces (such as request or response parameter values or payloads), data used by Lambda authorizers, whether API keys are required, whether usage plans are enabled, and so on.
Note that once a log group or stream is manually deleted, the API requests won’t be logged anymore, <font color=darkgray>unless the API is redeployed</font>. Unfortunately, deleting the API or the CloudFormation stack that created the API does not seem to delete the log groups, so they need to be tracked and cleaned up manually.
Example of execution logging for "http_proxy" integration:
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Extended Request Id: XU4aYEUmPHcFniQ=
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Verifying Usage Plan for request: f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6. API Key: API Stage: vm3sichhq6/v15
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) API Key authorized because method 'GET /inhabitants' does not require API Key. Request will not contribute to throttle or quota limits
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Usage Plan check succeeded for API Key and API Stage vm3sichhq6/v15
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Starting execution for request: f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) HTTP Method: GET, Resource Path: /inhabitants
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Successfully completed execution
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Method completed with status: 200
==CloudWatch Access Logging==
Access logs reflect who has accessed the API and how the caller accessed the API. Access logs are managed by the API developer or owner, who is required to create the log groups (or specify existing ones). Unlike [[#CloudWatch_Execution_Logging|execution logging]], which can be configured independently on each operation, access logging is a stage-level configuration and applies to all API requests that go through that stage. Various details, such as [[#.24context|$context]] variables, expressed in custom format, can be logged. To preserve the uniqueness of each log, the access log format must include $context.requestId. Note that [[#.24input|$input]] variables are not supported. Access logs can be generated in a format supported by the analytic backend, such as CLF ([ Common Logging Format]), JSON, XML and CSV. For more details on various log formats, see [ Set Up CloudWatch API Logging in API Gateway]. Context variables can be used in the access log format. For a list of available context variables, see [ API Gateway Mapping Template Reference]. This is an example how to configure access logging with CloudFormation: {{Internal|Amazon_API_Gateway_Deployment_with_CloudFormation#Access_Logging_Configuration|Access Logging Configuration with CloudFormation}}

====Stage Name====
==CloudWatch Metrics==

The stage name is part of the [[#API_URL|API URL]].
{{External|[ Monitor API execution with Amazon CloudWatch]}}

====<span id='Stage_Tag'></span>Stage Tags====
<font color=darkgray>To Expand.</font>

====Stage Operations====
API Gateway can be configured to generate metrics and send them to CloudWatch. The metrics include:
* API Calls
* IntegrationLatency can be used to measure the responsiveness of the backend.
* Latency measures the overall responsiveness of the API
* CacheHitCount, CacheMissCount
* 400 and 500 errors.

{{Internal|Amazon_API_Gateway_Operations#API_Deployment|Amazon API Gateway Operations - API Deployment}}{{Internal|Amazon_API_Gateway_Operations#Stage_Manipulation|Amazon API Gateway Operations - Stage Manipulation}}
==CloudTrail Logging==

API management operations can be logged with CloudTrail. The API management operations are REST API calls that an API developer makes against the API Gateway apigateway component. CloudTrail logging can be set at [[#Stage|stage]] level, and they can be enabled in the AWS Console. <font color=darkgray>To Expand.</font>

==Logging Operations==
{{Internal|Amazon_API_Gateway_Operations#Configuring_CloudWatch_Logging|Configure CloudWatch Logging}}

=API Gateway Link Relations=
=API Gateway Link Relations=
Line 179: Line 368:
=X-Ray Integration=
=X-Ray Integration=

API request latency issues can be troubleshot by enabling [[AWS X-Ray]]. AWS X-Ray can be used to trance API requests and downstream services.
{{External|[ Trace API Gateway API Execution with AWS X-Ray]}}
API request latency issues can be troubleshot by enabling [[AWS X-Ray]]. AWS X-Ray can be used to trance API requests and downstream services. X-Ray tracing can be configured at [[#Stage|stage]] level, in the Stage Editor.


The API Gateway console integrates the OPTIONS method to support CORS with a [[#Mock_Integration|mock integration]].
{{External|[ Enable CORS for an API Gateway REST API Resource]}}
{{External|[ Enable CORS on a Resource Using the API Gateway Import API]}}
{{Internal|Cross-Origin_Resource_Sharing|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}}
The API Gateway may be configured to handle CORS OPTIONS pre-flight invocation at the API level, with a [[#Mock_Integration|mock integration]]. If CORS is enabled for a resource, API Gateway will respond to the pre-flight request instead of the backend, giving a small performance improvement. Mock integration for OPTIONS may be configured as shown below. The API Console also supports this configuration, generating with basic CORS configuration allowing all origins, all methods and several common headers.
<syntaxhighlight lang='yaml'>
      - "application/json"
          description: "200 response"
              type: "string"
              type: "string"
              type: "string"
            statusCode: "200"
              method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "'DELETE,GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,PATCH,POST,PUT'"
              method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Headers: "'Content-Type,Authorization,X-Amz-Date,X-Api-Key,X-Amz-Security-Token'"
              method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "'*'"
        passthroughBehavior: "when_no_match"
          application/json: "{\"statusCode\": 200}"
        type: "mock"
{{Note|In [[#http_endpoints|http_proxy]] integration mode, the CORS headers '''must''' be generated by the backend, there is no way of just "adding" them at the API Gatewa level. If CORS headers must be generated at the API Gateway level, [[#Custom_Integration|"http" custom integration]] must be used.}}

Line 234: Line 460:

API caching can be enabled for a specific deployment by configuring its [[#Stage|stage]]
API caching can be enabled for a specific deployment by configuring its [[#Stage|stage]]
=SDK Generation=
SDK generation can be initiated at [[#Stage|stage]] level, in the Stage Editor.
=API Export=
API Export can be initiated at [[#Stage|stage]] level, in the Stage Editor. The API can be exported as:
* Swagger (OpenAPI 2.0) (including with API Gateway Extensions and Postman Extensions), as JSON or YAML.
* OpenAPI 3.0 (including with API Gateway Extensions and Postman Extensions), as JSON or YAML.
=Canary Deployment=
A Canary deployment is used to test new API deployments and/or changes to stage variables. A Canary can receive a percentage of requests going to the main stage. In addition, API deployments will be made to the Canary first before being able to be promoted to the entire stage.
=<span id='Custom_Domain_Name'></span>Custom Domain Names=
An API's [[Amazon_API_Gateway_Concepts#Amazon_Gateway_API_Base_URL|base UR]] contains a randomly-generated API ID (not necessarily user friendly), "execute-api", the region, and the stage name. To make the base URL more user friendly, a custom domain name can be created and mapped on the base URL. Moreover, to allow for API evolution and support multiple API version within the context of a custom domain name, the [[#Stage|API stage]] can be mapped onto a [[#Base_Path|base path]] under the custom domain name, so the base URL of the REST API becomes:
https://<font color=teal>custom-domain-name</font>/<font color=teal>base-path</font>/
=Mapping Template=
{{External|[ Mapping Templates]}}
For configuration, see: {{Internal|Amazon_API_Gateway_Extension_to_OpenAPI#requestTemplates|x-amazon-apigateway-integration requestTemplates}}
{{External|[ Accessing the $context Variable]}}
<font color=darkgray>TODO</font>.

Latest revision as of 21:53, 2 April 2019



REST and Hypermedia Concepts

Resource, Method, Request, Response

Amazon API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway is the preferred way to expose internal AWS endpoints to external clients, in form of a consistent and scalable programming REST interface (REST API). Amazon API Gateway can expose the following integration endpoints: internal HTTP(S) endpoints - representing custom services, AWS Lambda functions and other AWS services, such as Amazon Kinesis or Amazon S3. The backend endpoints are exposed by creating an API Gateway REST API, which is the instantiation of a RestApi object, and integrating API methods with their corresponding backend endpoints, using specific integration types.




An API is a collection of HTTP resources and methods that are integrated with backend HTTP endpoints, Lambda functions, or other AWS services. This collection can be deployed in one or more stages. Typically, API resources are organized in a resource tree according to the application logic. Each API resource can expose one or more API methods that have unique HTTP verbs supported by API Gateway. Each API is represented by an RestApi instance.

API Name

The API name is the human-readable name the API is listed under in the AWS console. If the API was built from OpenAPI metadata, the name is given by the value of the info.title element. More than one API may have the same name.


The REST API ID is part of various API elements' ARNs.

API Type

Regional API

A regional API is deployed in the current region.

Edge-Optimized API

An edge-optimized API is deployed to the Amazon CloudFront network.

Private API

A private API is only accessible from the VPC. This is different from private integration, where the endpoints are deployed in a private VPC, but they are exposed publicly by the API.

API Deployment

An API Deployment is a point-in-time snapshot of an API, encapsulating the resources, methods and the other API elements as they exist in the API at the moment of the deployment. An API deployment cannot be directly used by the clients, it must be associated with and exposed through a stage. Conceptually, a deployment is like an executable of an API: once a RestApi is created, it requires deployment and association with a stage to make it callable by its users. API deployments cannot be viewed directly in the API Gateway Console, they are accessible though a stage. Can they be listed via AWS CLI, though?

Every time an API is modified in such a way that one of its methods, integrations, routes, authorizers, or anything else other than stage settings change, the API must be redeployed into an existing, or a new stage. Resource updates require redeploying the API, whereas configuration updates to not.


A stage is a named reference to a deployment. It is named "stage" because it was intended to be a logical reference to a lifecycle state of the REST API: 'dev', 'prod', 'beta', 'v2', as it evolves. As such, stages allow robust version control of the API. API stages are identified by API ID and stage name. The stage makes the API available for client applications to call. The API snapshot includes methods, integrations, models, mapping templates, Lambda authorizers, etc. An API must be deployed in a stage to be accessible to clients.

Various aspects of the deployment can be configured at the stage level:

The stage also allows access to deployment history and documentation history.

Internally, an API stage is represented by a Stage resource.

Stage Name

The stage name is part of the API URL.

Current Deployment

The latest API Deployment for a stage is the current deployment for that stage. Creating a new deployment makes it the current deployment.

Stage Variable

Stage variables can be set in the Stage Editor and can be used in the API configuration to parameterize the integration of a request. Stage variables are also available in the $context object of the mapping templates.

Stage Tags

AWS Tags

Stage Operations

Amazon API Gateway Operations - API Deployment
Amazon API Gateway Operations - Stage Manipulation

Amazon Gateway URL

The URL is determined by a protocol (HTTP(S) or WSS), a hostname, a stage name and, for REST APIs, the resource path. This URL is also known as "Invoke URL".


The URL for a specific deployment, exposed in a certain stage can be obtained by navigating to the stage in the console: API Gateway Console -> APIs -> <API Name> -> Stages -> <stage name>. The "Invoke URL" is displayed at the top of the "Stage Editor".

Amazon Gateway API Base URL

The hostname and the stage name determine the API's base URL:


Amazon Gateway Hostname


Base Path

See Custom Domain Names below.


The integration represents an interface between the API Gateway and a backend endpoint. A client uses an API to access backend features by sending method requests. The API Gateway translates the client request, if necessary, into a format acceptable to the back end, creating an integration request, and forwards the integration request to the backend endpoint. The backend returns an integration response to the API Gateway, which is in turn translated by the gateway into a method response and sent to the client, mapping, if necessary, the backend response data to a form acceptable to the client. The API developer can control the behavior of the API frontend interactions by providing (coding) method requests and responses and making them part of the API. The API developer can control the behavior of the API's backend interactions by setting up the integration requests and responses. These may involve data mapping between a method and its corresponding integration.

Integration and Swagger Operations

In case the API was generated based on Swagger metadata, An API Gateway "integration" can be logically thought as of a "wrapper" around a Swagger operation, that enhances the operation semantically, by specififying how the API Gateway handles the operation, for each operation.

Also see:

OpenAPI Operation

Integration Endpoints and Types

Amazon API Gateway can integrate three types of backend endpoints, and can also simulate a mock integration endpoint:

The integration type is defined by how the API Gateway passes data to and from the integration endpoint:

Proxy Integration

In general, proxy integration implies a simple integration setup with a single HTTP endpoint or Lambda function, where the client request is passed with minimal, or no processing at all, to the backend, as input, and the backend processing result is passed directly to the client. The request data that is passed through includes request headers, query string parameters, URL path variables and payload. This integration relies on direct interaction between the client and the integrated backend, with no intervention from the API Gateway. Because of that, the backend can evolve without requiring updates or reconfiguration of the integration point in the API Gateway. There is no need to set the integration request or integration response. More details needed here. This is the preferred integration type to call Lambda functions through the API Gateway.

Proxy integration should be preferred if there are no specific needs to transform the client request for the backend or transform the backend response data for the client.

Proxy Resource

I don't understand this, expand.


Proxy resources handle requests to all sub-resources using a greedy path parameter: {proxy+}. Creating a proxy resource also creates a special HTTP method called ANY.

ANY verb

The ANY method supports all valid HTTP verbs and forwards requests to a single HTTP endpoint or Lambda integration.

API of a Single Method

Uses the {proxy+} proxy resource and the ANY verb. The method exposes the entire set of the publicly accessible HTTP resources and operations of a website. When the backend HTTP endpoint opens more resources, the client can use these resources with the same API setup.

http_proxy Integration

A 'http_proxy' integration simply sends the client requests, including path, headers and body, to the backend, and sends the integration response, including headers and body, to the client. It is not possible to interact with the response, such as add or overwrite response headers. Use 'http' custom integration for that.

HTTP Proxy Integration Example
Amazon API Gateway HTTP Proxy Integration Example

Custom Integration

Custom integration implies a more elaborated setup procedure. For a custom integration, both the integration request and integration response must be configured, and necessary data mappings from the method request to the integration request and from the integration response to the method response must be put in place. Among other things, custom integration allows for reuse of configured mapping templates for multiple integration endpoints that have similar requirements of the input and output data formats. Since the setup is more involved, custom integration is recommended for more advanced application scenarios.

http Integration

Also see 'http_proxy' Integration.

Mock Integration

This integration type lets API Gateway return a response without sending the request further to the backend. A mock integration is a "loop-back" endpoint that does not invoke into any backend. Mock integration is useful for testing and enables collaborative development of an API, where a team can isolate their development effort by setting up simulations of the API components owned by other teams. This integration is specified as "mock" in the configuration metadata.

Configuring Integration Type

For details on how to configure a specific integration type, see below:

Integration resource

Private Integration

By private integration we understand an arrangement where the endpoints are deployed into a VPC and they are not publicly accessible. It is the API Gateway that exposes publicly the endpoint's resources, or a subset of them. For HTTP or HTTP proxy integration, private integration is configured by specifying a "connectionType" as VPC_LINK. The private integration can have open access or controlled access, which is implemented using IAM permissions, a Lambda authorizer or an Amazon Cognito user pool.


VPC Link

Set Up Private Integration

A VPC link enables access to a private resource available in a VPC, without requiring it to be apriori publicly accessible. It requires a VpcLink API Gateway resource to be created. The VpcLink encapsulates the connection between the API Gateway and the targeted VPC resource. The VpcLink may target one or more network load balancers of the VPC, which in turn should be configured to forward the requests to the final endpoint, running in the VPC. The network load balancer must be created in advance, as shown here:

VPC Operations - Create a Network Load Balancer

The API method is then integrated with a private integration that uses the VpcLink. The private integration has an integration type of HTTP or HTTP_PROXY and has a connection type of VPC_LINK. The integration uses the connectionId property to identify the VpcLink used.

Target Load Balancer

A VPC Link must specify a list of network load balancer ARNs, belonging to the VPC targeted by the VPC link. The network load balancers must be owned by the same AWS account of the API owner. At least one target network load balancer ARN must be specified.

VPC Link Operations

Integration Request

The API Gateway translates, if necessary, a client method request into a format acceptable to the back end and creates an integration request. The integration request is forwarded to the backend endpoint. The integration request is part of the REST API's interface with the backend.

Integration Response

The backend returns an integration response to the API Gateway, which in turn translates. it into a method response and sends it to the client, mapping, if necessary, the backend response data to a form acceptable to the client. The integration response is part of the REST API's interface with the backend. Also see IntegrationResponse below.

API Gateway Resources

Amazon API Gateway Resources that Require Redeployment

Where are these resources living?


RestApi Reference

A RestApi represents an Amazon API Gateway API.


Resource Reference
REST and Hypermedia - Resource

A Resource contains methods.


Method Reference
REST and Hypermedia - Methods

Method Throttling

Throttle API Requests for Better Throughput

Method throttling means limitation of the rate of requests sent into the API. The method throttling rate is configured at stage level. Typical default values are 10,000 requests per second with a burst of 5,000 requests.




Integration resource reference

The integration type can be specified programmatically by setting the type property of the Integration resource as such:

  • AWS: exposes an AWS service action, including Lambda, as an integration endpoint, via custom integration.
  • AWS_PROXY: exposes a Lambda function (but no other AWS service) as an integration endpoint, via proxy integration.
  • HTTP: exposes a HTTP(S) endpoint as an integration endpoint, via custom integration.
  • HTTP_PROXY: exposes a HTTP(S) endpoint as an integration endpoin, via proxy integration.
  • MOCK: sets up a mock integration endpoint.

Also see above:



Also see Integration Response above.






See API Key below.



VPC Link

Amazon API Gateway Resources that Require Configuration Changes without Redeployment


Deployment (API Deployment)

See API Deployment above.





See Stage above.




Tracing, Logging, and Monitoring an API Gateway API
Set Up CloudWatch API Logging in API Gateway

Role Required for Logging

To enable API Gateway CloudWatch logs, create (or locate) an IAM role that allows API Gateway to write logs in CloudWatch. Elaborate here. Search for "Permissions for CloudWatch Logging" in

CloudWatch Execution Logging

CloudWatch API execution logs are a rendering of the API execution operations, which are the calls the API clients make against the API gateway. The name “execution” probably comes from the the "execute-api" component, which is the component the calls that are logged are invoked against. The execution logs are managed by the API Gateway, which performs CloudWatch log management, such as creating log groups and log streams, and the actual log generation, on behalf of the user. The execution logs can be enabled via the AWS Console by navigating to the stage we want logging enabled on, selecting the "Logs/Tracing" tab, CloudWatch Settings, then checking "Enable CloudWatch Logs", optionally "Log full request/responses data". The log level (ERROR or INFO) can also be specified at this stage. Execution logging can be enabled declaratively in a CloudFormation template, as shown here:

Execution Logging Configuration with CloudFormation

Once enabled, a new log group named API-Gateway-Execution-Logs_rest-api-id/stage-name is created and the execution logs can be retrieved from it. The log group contains multiple log streams. Why there are a large number of empty streams? The number seem to grow over time. Each non-empty log stream seems to correspond to an API invocation. The non-empty log streams can be separated by sorting by "Last Event Time": the non-empty streams will have a non-empty "Last Event Time". The logged data includes errors or execution traces (such as request or response parameter values or payloads), data used by Lambda authorizers, whether API keys are required, whether usage plans are enabled, and so on.

Note that once a log group or stream is manually deleted, the API requests won’t be logged anymore, unless the API is redeployed. Unfortunately, deleting the API or the CloudFormation stack that created the API does not seem to delete the log groups, so they need to be tracked and cleaned up manually.

Example of execution logging for "http_proxy" integration:

22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Extended Request Id: XU4aYEUmPHcFniQ=
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Verifying Usage Plan for request: f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6. API Key: API Stage: vm3sichhq6/v15
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) API Key authorized because method 'GET /inhabitants' does not require API Key. Request will not contribute to throttle or quota limits
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Usage Plan check succeeded for API Key and API Stage vm3sichhq6/v15
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Starting execution for request: f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) HTTP Method: GET, Resource Path: /inhabitants
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Successfully completed execution
22:49:51 (f63e1b44-5274-11e9-b00c-23641f8d81b6) Method completed with status: 200

CloudWatch Access Logging

Access logs reflect who has accessed the API and how the caller accessed the API. Access logs are managed by the API developer or owner, who is required to create the log groups (or specify existing ones). Unlike execution logging, which can be configured independently on each operation, access logging is a stage-level configuration and applies to all API requests that go through that stage. Various details, such as $context variables, expressed in custom format, can be logged. To preserve the uniqueness of each log, the access log format must include $context.requestId. Note that $input variables are not supported. Access logs can be generated in a format supported by the analytic backend, such as CLF (Common Logging Format), JSON, XML and CSV. For more details on various log formats, see Set Up CloudWatch API Logging in API Gateway. Context variables can be used in the access log format. For a list of available context variables, see API Gateway Mapping Template Reference. This is an example how to configure access logging with CloudFormation:

Access Logging Configuration with CloudFormation



CloudWatch Metrics

Monitor API execution with Amazon CloudWatch

To Expand.

API Gateway can be configured to generate metrics and send them to CloudWatch. The metrics include:

  • API Calls
  • IntegrationLatency can be used to measure the responsiveness of the backend.
  • Latency measures the overall responsiveness of the API
  • CacheHitCount, CacheMissCount
  • 400 and 500 errors.

CloudTrail Logging

API management operations can be logged with CloudTrail. The API management operations are REST API calls that an API developer makes against the API Gateway apigateway component. CloudTrail logging can be set at stage level, and they can be enabled in the AWS Console. To Expand.

Logging Operations

Configure CloudWatch Logging

API Gateway Link Relations

Link Relations

API Documentation

See DocumentationPart and DocumentationVersion above.

X-Ray Integration

Trace API Gateway API Execution with AWS X-Ray

API request latency issues can be troubleshot by enabling AWS X-Ray. AWS X-Ray can be used to trance API requests and downstream services. X-Ray tracing can be configured at stage level, in the Stage Editor.


Enable CORS for an API Gateway REST API Resource
Enable CORS on a Resource Using the API Gateway Import API
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

The API Gateway may be configured to handle CORS OPTIONS pre-flight invocation at the API level, with a mock integration. If CORS is enabled for a resource, API Gateway will respond to the pre-flight request instead of the backend, giving a small performance improvement. Mock integration for OPTIONS may be configured as shown below. The API Console also supports this configuration, generating with basic CORS configuration allowing all origins, all methods and several common headers.

      - "application/json"
          description: "200 response"
              type: "string"
              type: "string"
              type: "string"
            statusCode: "200"
              method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Methods: "'DELETE,GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,PATCH,POST,PUT'"
              method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Headers: "'Content-Type,Authorization,X-Amz-Date,X-Api-Key,X-Amz-Security-Token'"
              method.response.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "'*'"
        passthroughBehavior: "when_no_match"
          application/json: "{\"statusCode\": 200}"
        type: "mock"

In http_proxy integration mode, the CORS headers must be generated by the backend, there is no way of just "adding" them at the API Gatewa level. If CORS headers must be generated at the API Gateway level, "http" custom integration must be used.


Creation, Configuration and Deployment

To create, configure and deploy an API in API Gateway, the IAM user doing it must have provisioned an IAM policy that includes access permissions for manipulating the API Gateway resources and link relations. The "AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator" AWS-managed policy grants full access to create, configure and deploy an API in API Gateway:


Attaching the preceding policy to an IAM user allows ("Effect":"Allow") the user to act with any API Gateway actions ("Action":["apigateway:*"]) on any API Gateway resources (arn:aws:apigateway:*::/*) that are associated with the user's AWS account. To refine the permissions, see Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide Page 241 "Control Access to an API with IAM Permissions".


The following policy grants full access on how an API is invoked:


To refine the permissions, see Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide Page 241 "Control Access to an API with IAM Permissions".

When an API Gateway API is set up with IAM roles and policies to control client access, the client must sign API requests with Signature Version 4. Alternatively, AWS CLI or one of the AWS SDKs can be used to transparently handle request signing. For more details, see Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide Page 462 "Invoking a REST API in Amazon API Gateway".

AWS Endpoint Authentication

When API Gateway is integrated with AWS Lambda or another AWS service, such as Amazon S3 or Amazon Kinesis, the API Gateway must be enabled as a trusted entity to invoke an AWS service in the backend. This is achieved by creating an IAM role and attaching a service-specific access policy to the role. Without specifying this trust relationship, API Gateway is denied the right to call the backend on behalf of the user, even when the user has been granted permissions to access the backend directly. More details in Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide page 525.

Signature Version 4

Signature Version 4

Per-Method Authorization

REST and Hypermedia - Per-Method Authorization


See ApiKey above.

Integration with Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Use AWS WAF to Protect Your Amazon API Gateway API from Common Web Exploits

An API deployment can be integrated with Web Application Firewall (WAF) by configuring its stage. Web ACLs can be created from the Stage Editor.

Client Certificates

API Gateway uses client certificates to authenticate against the integration endpoints in calls into. The client certificates are managed at stage level.

API Caching

API caching can be enabled for a specific deployment by configuring its stage

SDK Generation

SDK generation can be initiated at stage level, in the Stage Editor.

API Export

API Export can be initiated at stage level, in the Stage Editor. The API can be exported as:

  • Swagger (OpenAPI 2.0) (including with API Gateway Extensions and Postman Extensions), as JSON or YAML.
  • OpenAPI 3.0 (including with API Gateway Extensions and Postman Extensions), as JSON or YAML.

Canary Deployment

A Canary deployment is used to test new API deployments and/or changes to stage variables. A Canary can receive a percentage of requests going to the main stage. In addition, API deployments will be made to the Canary first before being able to be promoted to the entire stage.

Custom Domain Names

An API's base UR contains a randomly-generated API ID (not necessarily user friendly), "execute-api", the region, and the stage name. To make the base URL more user friendly, a custom domain name can be created and mapped on the base URL. Moreover, to allow for API evolution and support multiple API version within the context of a custom domain name, the API stage can be mapped onto a base path under the custom domain name, so the base URL of the REST API becomes:


Mapping Template

Mapping Templates

For configuration, see:

x-amazon-apigateway-integration requestTemplates


Accessing the $context Variable
