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===Template Artifact===
===Template Artifact===
'''Expected Artifact''': Artifact from execution context
'''Expected Artifact''': Artifact from execution context.

To define the helm chart to render, there are two choices: [[#Helm_Repository|Helm repository]] or [[#GitHub_Repository_for_Helm_Chart|GitHub repository]]. <font color=darkkhaki>In both cases, the chart to be deployed must be stored remotely as a <code>.tar.gz</code> archive</font>.
To define the helm chart to render, there are two choices: [[#Helm_Repository|Helm repository]] or [[#GitHub_Repository_for_Helm_Chart|GitHub repository]]. <font color=darkkhaki>In both cases, the chart to be deployed must be stored remotely as a <code>.tar.gz</code> archive</font>.

Revision as of 20:42, 7 March 2022




This stage renders the final form of a manifest or a multi-document manifest set, using a template renderer such as Helm.


Add stage → Type: Bake (Manifest)

Bake (Manifest) Configuration

Template Renderer

Render Engine: HELM3

Helm Options


The Helm release name for the chart. It determines the name of the artifact produced by this stage. This name will override the "Match Artifact/Name" specified in the Produces Artifact section.


The target namespace to release into. If not specified, "default" will be used. ⚠️ There were (yet not elucidated) situations when even if a specific namespace was configured here, the deployment went to "default". That was fixed by overriding the namespace in the Deploy (Manifest) stage.

Template Artifact

Expected Artifact: Artifact from execution context.

To define the helm chart to render, there are two choices: Helm repository or GitHub repository. In both cases, the chart to be deployed must be stored remotely as a .tar.gz archive.

GitHub Repository for Helm Chart

Account: GitHub

Content URL: https://github.domain.com/api/v3/repos/<organization>/<repository>/<path-inside-repository>. Example: https://github.domain.com/api/v3/repos/ovidiuf/smoke/tmp/smoke-1.0.0.tgz

Commit/Branch: develop

Note that the GitHub repository must be configured for Spinnaker access.

The documentation seems to suggest that the chart can be stored in the GitHub repository in an exploded format, and the path to the Chart.yaml is sufficient, either the path to the file itself or the path to the directory containing Chart.yaml.

Helm Repository


Expected Artifact

The files passed to --values parameter must be added as "Overrides/value artifact".


Individually specified overrides can also be set in form of key/value pairs. Example of how to update the image tag based on tag read by the Docker trigger:

Key Value
image.tag ${trigger['tag']}

If expressions are evaluated when the manifest is rendered, make sure to turn Expression Evaluation Evaluate SpEL expressions in overrides at bake time on.

Raw Overrides

Use --set instead of --set-string when injecting override values. Values injected using --set will be converted to primitive types by Helm.

Expression Evaluation

Evaluate SpEL expressions in overrides at bake time: Explicitly evaluate SpEL expressions in overrides just prior to manifest baking. Can be paired with the "Skip SpEL evaluation" option in the Deploy Manifest stage when baking a third-party manifest artifact with expressions not meant for Spinnaker to evaluate as SpEL.

Execution Options


Produces Artifact

By default, Spinnaker automatically creates an embedded/base64 artifact that is bound when the stage completes, representing the full manifest set to be deployed downstream.


Example of Configured Stage

  "expectedArtifacts": [
      "defaultArtifact": {
        "customKind": true,
        "id": "a3b15bdc-8f73-4265-ba38-9be06cd6b4f2"
      "displayName": "rendered-helm-chart",
      "id": "c7202ead-c6f9-497a-9120-1957688ed2d8",
      "matchArtifact": {
        "artifactAccount": "embedded-artifact",
        "customKind": false,
        "id": "22a48f2b-2b62-46bd-9964-68b406a3c1c8",
        "type": "embedded/base64"
      "useDefaultArtifact": false,
      "usePriorArtifact": false
  "inputArtifacts": [
      "account": "github",
      "artifact": {
        "artifactAccount": "github",
        "id": "75ebe7b2-b04a-4fcd-a712-c7eacb06c348",
        "name": "tmp/smoke-0.1.0.tgz",
        "reference": "https://github.example.com/api/v3/repos/ovidiuf/smoke/contents/tmp/smoke-0.1.0.tgz",
        "type": "github/file",
        "version": "develop"
  "name": "Render Helm",
  "namespace": "of",
  "outputName": "smoke",
  "overrides": {},
  "templateRenderer": "HELM3",
  "type": "bakeManifest"