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===Trigger Types===
===Trigger Types===
====Manual Trigger====
====<span id='Docker_Registry'></span>Docker Registry Trigger====
====<span id='Docker_Registry'></span>Docker Registry Trigger====

Revision as of 04:23, 17 May 2022




Spinnaker is an OS CD solution, created by Netflix. Spinnaker provides two core service: application deployment and application management.

Application Management


Spinnaker application management uses on a domain model that includes applications, clusters, server groups, load balancers and firewalls.



An application models a microservice. The application represents the service to be deployed using Spinnaker, the configuration for the service, and the infrastructure on which the service will run, which is organized into clusters, where each cluster is a collection of server groups, plus the required firewalls and load balancers. The application also logically includes the pipelines that process the service through deployment in production, and also canary configurations.

Application Configuration Elements


A unique name to identify this application.

Owner Email

Repo Type

The platform hosting the code repository for this application. Values: github, stash, bitbucket, gitlab. When creating the application, this has informative value only, no connection to any repository will be attempted.

Repo Project

According to in-line documentation: Source repository project name. When creating the application, this has informative value only, no connection to any repository will be attempted, and the project name won't be resolved in the backend.

Repo Name

According to in-line documentation: source repository name (not the URL). When creating the application, this has informative value only, no connection to any repository will be attempted, and the repository name won't be resolved in the backend.


Cloud Providers

  • aws
  • ecs
  • kubernetes

Consider only cloud provider health when executing tasks

When this option is enabled, instance status as reported by the cloud provider will be considered sufficient to determine task completion. When this option is disabled, tasks will normally need health status reported by some other health provider (e.g. a load balancer or discovery service) to determine task completion. More research on this.

Show health override option for each operation

When this option is enabled, users will be able to toggle the option above on a task-by-task basis.

Simply enabling the "Consider only cloud provider health when executing tasks" option above is usually sufficient for most applications that want the same health provider behavior for all stages. Note that pipelines will require manual updating if this setting is disabled in the future.

Instance Port

This field is only used to generate links within Spinnaker to a running instance when viewing an instance's details.

The instance port can be used or overridden for specific links configured for your application (via the Config screen).

Pipeline Behavior

Enable restarting running pipelines

When this option is enabled, users will be able to restart pipeline stages while a pipeline is still running. This behavior can have varying unexpected results and is not recommended to enable.

Enable re-run button on active pipelines

When this option is enabled, the re-run option also appears on active executions. This is usually not needed but may sometimes be useful for submitting multiple executions with identical parameters.


To read from this application, a user must be a member of at least one group with read access. To write to this application, a user must be a member of at least one group with write access.

If no permissions are specified, the default behavior is that any user can read from or write to this application. These permissions will only be enforced if Fiat is enabled.

However, the Spinnaker instance can be configured so if no permissions are specified, the application creation may fail.

Application Operations



A cluster is a logical grouping of server groups. A Spinnaker cluster does not necessarily map to a Kubernetes cluster. It is a collection of server groups, irrespective of any Kubernetes clusters that might be included in the underlying architecture.

PROCESS: https://spinnaker.io/docs/concepts/clusters/

Server Group


The server group identifies the deployable artifact (VM image, container image, source location) and basic configuration such as the number of instances, autoscaling policies, metadata, etc. A server group is optionally associated with a load balancer and a firewall. When deployed, the server group is a collection of instances of the running software (VM instances, Kubernetes pods, etc.).

Load Balancer


In Kubernetes, Load Balancers are Kubernetes Services with special Spinnaker annotations (app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: spinnaker). Load Balancers for an application can be created with the Spinnaker UI and also CLI. To create a Load Balancer with the UI, go to the "LOAD BALANCER" left-menu item → Create Load Balancer, specify the "Account" (the Kubernetes cluster) and the Kubernetes Service manifest:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: synthetic-spinnaker
    app: smoke
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 8080
    targetPort: 8080

By default, the service will be created in the "default" namespace, to create it in a different namespace, use: namespace: <namespace-name> in the metadata section.



Application Deployment


Spinnaker can be used to manage continuous delivery workflows, via its application deployment features. The application deployment features are exercised by creating and managing pipelines.



Pipelines are the essential tool in Spinnaker for controlling how to deploy an application. A pipeline consists of a sequence of stages. Parameters can be passed from stage to stage. Pipelines can be triggered manually, or can be configured to be triggered by an event such as a Jenkins job completing, a new Docker image appearing in the registry, a cron schedule or a stage in another pipeline. The state of an executed pipeline can be visualized as JSON by going to Pipelines → Select a pipeline → Select an Execution → Execution Details → View as JSON:

  "id": "112[...]X",
  "type": "PIPELINE",
  "application": "smoke",
  "name": "Test Docker Trigger",
  "buildTime": 1645824168644,
  "startTime": 1645824168714,
  "endTime": 1645824185005,
  "canceled": false,
  "limitConcurrent": true,
  "keepWaitingPipelines": false,
  "status": "SUCCEEDED",
  "origin": "api",
  "spelEvaluator": "v4",
  "pipelineConfigId": "35[...]a1",
  "authentication": {
    "user": "...",
    "allowedAccounts": []
  "trigger": {
    "id": "...",
    "type": "docker",
  "stages": [
      "id": "11F[...]1",
      "refId": "2",
      "type": "bakeManifest",
      "name": "Render Helm",
      "startTime": 1645824168750,
      "endTime": 1645824171026,
      "status": "SUCCEEDED",
      "context": {...},
      "outputs": {...},
      "tasks": {...},
  "notifications": [],
  "initialConfig": {},
  "systemNotifications": []

Pipeline Status

  • Running
  • Awaiting Judgement
  • Terminal
  • Succeeded
  • Not Started
  • Canceled
  • Stopped
  • Paused
  • Buffered

Pipeline Context

Also see stage context.

Pipeline Template


Pipeline Configuration

Execution Options

Disable concurrent pipeline executions (only run one at a time)
Do not automatically cancel pipelines waiting in queue

If concurrent pipeline execution is disabled, then the pipelines that are in the waiting queue will get canceled when the next execution starts. The pipeline can be configured to keep them in the queue.

Automated Triggers


A pipeline can define a set of parameters. They can added with "Add Parameter" in the UI. The parameters are useful when the pipeline is executed as result of a Pipeline stage, to pass configuration to the pipeline, or when the pipeline is executed manually, in which case the parameters are present on the UI when launching the pipeline.

Pipeline Parameters.png

Each parameter has a name and a label.

The name identifies the parameter in the pipeline state. For manual triggering via UI, the parameter name and value are available as:

  "type": "PIPELINE",
  "trigger": {
    "type": "manual",
    "parameters": {
      "helm_chart_version": "1.0.0"
  "stages": [

The label is displayed by the UI by the text control associated with the parameter, when the user triggers the pipeline manually and it should be composed in such a way that it provides additional information to the user.

If the parameter is marked as Required, then the UI displays the text control associated with the parameter with a red edge and a "required" asterisk by the Label, and the "Run" button does not become available until all "required" parameter values are filled out. The "Description" is rendered when the cursor hovers over the label.

Parameter UI.png

Each parameter may have options.

"Pin all parameters". If checked, all parameters will be shown in a pipeline execution view, otherwise it will be collapsed by default.

Pipeline Operations


Trigger Types

Manual Trigger

Docker Registry Trigger


Type: Docker Registry

Registry Name. The name used when the Docker registry was registered with the Spinnaker instance (ex. synthetic-registry-name-specified-during-onboarding).

Organization my-namespace

Image my-namespace/my-image

Tag Worked with empty tags. If specified, only the tags that match this Java Regular Expression will be triggered. Leave empty to trigger builds on any tag pushed. Builds will not be triggered off the latest tag or updates to existing tags.

⚠️ If "older" semantic version tags are pushed while the pipeline have run for newer, the pipeline is not triggered.

Artifact Constraints . See Artifact Constraints below.

Referencing the New Image

When a new image is identified, the Docker Registry trigger will fill the "trigger" sub-map, part of the overall pipeline state:

"trigger": {
  "id": "...",
  "type": "docker",
  "user": "[...]",
  "parameters": {},
  "artifacts": [
      "customKind": false,
      "reference": "docker.com/ovidiu_feodorov/smoke:1.0.17",
      "metadata": {},
      "name": "docker.com/ovidiu_feodorov/smoke",
      "type": "docker/image",
      "version": "1.0.17"
  "notifications": [],
  "rebake": false,
  "dryRun": false,
  "strategy": false,
  "account": "docker",
  "repository": "ovidiu_feodorov/smoke",
  "tag": "1.0.17",
  "resolvedExpectedArtifacts": [],
  "expectedArtifacts": [],
  "registry": "docker.apple.com",
  "eventId": "e[...]3",
  "enabled": true,
  "runAsUser": "...",
  "organization": "ovidiu_feodorov",
  "preferred": false

This data can be used in SpEL expressions elsewhere in the pipeline. For example, the tag can be accessed with the following expression:

- image: "something/something-else:${trigger['tag']}"


Executes the pipeline on cron schedule.


Executes the pipeline on git push.

GitHub Trigger

This configuration allows GitHub to post push events. TO PROCESS: https://spinnaker.io/docs/guides/tutorials/codelabs/kubernetes-v2-source-to-prod/#allow-github-to-post-push-events

Helm Chart Trigger

Executes the pipeline on a Helm chart update.

Jenkins Trigger

Listens on a Jenkins job.


Listens to another pipeline execution.

Plugin Trigger

Executes the pipeline in response to a plugin event.

Other Triggers

Concourse, Nexus, pub/sub, Travis, Artifactory, Werker,

Artifact Constraints

The section specifies artifacts required for trigger to execute.

⚠️ If anything is specified here, the pipeline will only trigger if these artifacts are present. It is fine to leave empty if you need the trigger to be generated by arbitrary artifacts. Only one of the artifacts needs to be present for the trigger to execute.



A stage is a collection of sequential tasks or other stages. The stage describes a higher-level action a pipeline performs either linearly or in parallel. Spinnaker provides a number of standard stages, which range from functions that manipulate infrastructure (deploy, resize, disable) to utility scaffolding functions (manual judgment, wait, run Jenkins job, etc.). Together, these stages provide a runbook for managing a deployment. The pipeline history gives access to details of each deployment operation, and provides an audit log of enforced policies.

Spinnaker Stage.png

Bake (Manifest)

Bake (Manifest)

Deploy (Manifest)

Deploy (Manifest)

Canary Analysis

Check Preconditions

Check for preconditions before continuing.

Custom Webhook

Delete (Manifest)

Delete (Manifest)

Disable (Manifest)

Disable a Kubernetes manifest.

Enable (Manifest)

Enable a Kubernetes manifest.

Entity Tag

Applies entity tags to a resource.

Evaluate Variables

Evaluate Variables

Find Artifacts From Execution

Find and bind artifacts from another execution.

Find Artifacts From Resource (Manifest)

Find artifacts from a Kubernetes resource.



This is one of the stages that allow running arbitrary functionality.

Manual Judgment

Manual Judgement

Patch (Manifest)

Patch a Kubernetes object in place.


Pipeline Stage


Run Pulumi as a RunJob container.

Run Job

Run Job

This is one of the stages that allow running arbitrary functionality.

Run Job (Manifest)

Run Job (Manifest)

This is one of the stages that allow running arbitrary functionality.

Save Pipelines

Saves pipelines defined in an artifact.

Scale (Manifest)

Scale a Kubernetes object created from a manifest.



This is one of the stages that allow running arbitrary functionality.


Apply a terraform operation.

Undo Rollout (Manifest)

Undo Rollout (Manifest)


Waits a specified period of time.


Runs a Webhook job.

Other Stages

AWS CodeBuild, AWS EC2 Deploy (Artifacts), AWS Instance Register for Target Groups, AWS Lambda Delete, AWS Lambda Deployment, AWS Lambda Invoke, AWS Lambda Route, Change Request, Change Request Creation, CloudShell Colony AWS EKS Onboarding, CloudShell Colony AWS Onboarding, CloudShell Colony Space Creation, Code Deploy Safetynet IAC, Colony End Sandbox, Colony Start Sandbox, Concourse, Fortress Job Trigger, Google Cloud Build, Gremlin, Jenkins Trigger for Cookie Auth, Travis, Wercker.

Custom Stage

Custom Stage

A custom stage allows running arbitrary functionality.

Stage Context

TO PROCESS: https://spinnaker.io/docs/guides/user/pipeline/expressions/#context-values

It can be accessed in the JSON representation of the pipeline execution with .stages[index].context. Stages like Run Job (Manifest) have the capability to update the stage context, as shown here.

Also see pipeline context.

Stage Output

It can be accessed in the JSON representation of the pipeline execution with .stages[index].outputs. Stages like Run Job (Manifest) have the capability to update the stage output, as shown here.



A task is an automatic function to perform.

Deployment Strategies


Spinnaker treats could-native deployment strategies as first class constructs, handling the underlying orchestration such as verifying health checks, disabling old server groups and enabling new server groups. Spinnaker supports the blue/green (red/black) strategy, with rolling blue/green and canary strategies in active development. How does this relate to Kubernetes' application management built-in mechanisms?

For more details on specific strategies, see:

Deploy (Manifest) | Rollout Strategies

Traffic Management Strategies

TO PROCESS: https://spinnaker.io/docs/guides/user/kubernetes-v2/traffic-management/

Managed Delivery

TODO, watch "https://youtu.be/mEgvOfmLnlY" Managed Delivery by Emily Burns, Rob Fletcher


The page addresses GitHub file/directory artifacts, Helm charts, container images, S3 artifacts, etc:

Spinnaker Artifacts


A project has a Name and an Owner E-mail.

It contains a list of applications, clusters and pipelines.




Information about Kubernetes resources can be displayed in the Deck's detail panel.


The API Gateway. https://github.com/spinnaker/gate.



Kubernetes Provider


Kubernetes Source to Production

TO PROCESS: https://spinnaker.io/docs/guides/tutorials/codelabs/kubernetes-v2-source-to-prod

Helm Chart Support




Pipeline SpEL Expressions

Pipeline SpEL Expressions




When set to a non-negative integer, this annotation configures how many versions of a resource to keep around. When more than max-version-history versions of a Kubernetes artifact exist, Spinnaker deletes all older versions. Resources are sorted by the metadata.creationTimestamp Kubernetes property rather than the version number.


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: ...
    strategy.spinnaker.io/max-version-history: '3'  

If you are trying to restrict how many copies of a ReplicaSet a Deployment is managing, that is configured by spec.revisionHistoryLimit . If instead Spinnaker is deploying ReplicaSets directly without a Deployment, this annotation does the job.

Running Arbitrary Functionality in a Pipeline Stage


Existing stages that may help:

A custom stage can also be used to run arbitrary functionality.
