Httpd Concepts

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Proxying Concepts


Virtual Host


A virtual host is a container within a httpd instance serving a single logical web site. Multiple, separate web sites, even belonging to different domains, can be served off the same httpd instance without that being apparent to the client. The virtual hosts can be name-based or ip-address based.

Name-Based Virtual Host

The server relies on the client sending a "Host" HTTP header. It uses the value to locate the correct logical host. This technique allows many different virtual hosts to share the same IP address. The web browser must cooperate by sending the correct "Host" header, as part of each request.

Name-based virtual hosting is the preferred technique, unless you're using equipment that explicitly demands IP-based hosting.

IP Address-Based Virtual Host

IP-based virtual hosts use the IP address of the connection to determine the correct virtual host to serve. Therefore you need to have a separate IP address for each host.

Virtual Host Configuration

A virtual host is declared in the httpd configuration using the <VirtualHost> configuration element. More details on virtual host configuration:

httpd Virtual Host Configuration

SSL Support

httpd provides SSL/TLS encryption support via the mod_ssl module, which is an interface to OpenSSL library. More details about SSL configuration are available here:

httpd SSL Configuration


httpd Modules