Spring Cloud Stream

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Spring Cloud Stream is a framework for building highly scalable event-driven microservices connected with shared messaging systems. Spring applications use Spring Cloud Stream libraries to bind to a messaging middleware. Spring Cloud Stream builds upon Spring Boot to create standalone production-grade applications and uses Spring Integration to provide connectivity to message brokers.


Destination Binder

The component responsible to provide integration with external messaging systems. Available binders:

Destination Binding

Bridge between the external messaging system and application-provided Producers and Consumers of messages. The Producers and Consumers are created by the Destination Binders.

Sink Binding

Input and no output.


The destination can be a queue, topic, or others.


The canonical data structure used by Producers and Consumers to communicate with Destination Binders, and thus other applications via external messaging systems.

Message Handler

Is this the same thing as the handler method?

public void handle(...) {

Also see @StreamListener.


Persistent Publish/Subscribe

Consumer Group
