AWS Elastic Load Balancing Operations

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Create a Network Load Balancer

Go to Amazon EC2 console -> Load Balancers -> Create Load Balancer -> Network Load Balancer.

Basic Configuration

Name: playground-internal-lb (it should not start with "internal-...").

Scheme: internal/internet-facing: internet-facing.


The default istener uses TCP over port 80.

Availability Zones

Specify the VPC in which the targets exist.

Specify at least one, possible more availability zones and one subnet per availability zone.

For more details:

Load Balancers and Availability Zones

Security Settings

Return here.

Configure Routing

If this load balancer is created to service ECS FARGATE containers that have not been defined yet, that is fine, the target groups will be created during the ECS Service creation process.

Target Group

Target Group: New target group

Name: something

Target type: Instance

Protocol: TCP

Port: 10001

Health Checks

Return here.

Register Targets

Registered Targets


If the load balancer is created before the ECS deployments, how do I select those?

Network Load Balancers and ECS FARGATE Instances

Test a Network Load Balancer

Create an Application Load Balancer