Mod cluster Installation

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Compiled bundles are available here:

Native Components Installation

This procedure assumes httpd was already installed, configured, and it works well without mod_cluster.

At the time of the writing, the pre-compiled native components to be installed within an existing httpd are published on the download page as "mod_cluster modules for httpd". For example, the mod_cluster binaries for Linux x86 httpd are listed as "linux-x86_64 mod_cluster binaries". The file name is mod_cluster-1.3.1.Final-linux2-x64-so.tar.gz. It contains the pre-compiled httpd dynamic libraries (,, and

Place the Dynamic Libraries in the modules Directory

Identify the httpd instance's module directory, by looking at the existing LoadModule directives specified in the configuration. It is usually /etc/httpd/modules.

It is good practice to include the mod_cluster version in the name of the dynamic library files, to make it obvious what version is used.

cp /etc/httpd/modules/ 
cp /etc/httpd/modules/ 
cp /etc/httpd/modules/ 
cp /etc/httpd/modules/ 

Make sure the newly copied files have the same ownership and permissions as the existing modules.

Load Modules at Startup

A standard RHEL httpd installation has its modules configured in /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d. All files present in that directory are automatically included from httpd.conf:

Include conf.modules.d/*.conf

Follow the same pattern to configure mod_cluster.

Add a new 99-mod_cluster.conf file in /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d with the following content:

# This file configures mod_cluster

LoadModule cluster_slotmem_module modules/
LoadModule manager_module modules/ 
LoadModule proxy_cluster_module modules/
LoadModule advertise_module modules/

Insure mod_proxy Dependencies are Present and Loaded

mod_cluster needs mod_proxy to work. More details about mod_cluster dependency on mod_proxy are found here.

Make sure and are loaded. For a standard httpd installation, those modules are loaded in /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-proxy.conf:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/

Remove undesired mod_proxy Dependencies

mod_cluster's mod_proxy_cluster cannot work correctly if mod_proxy's mod_proxy_balancer, so mod_proxy_balancer must be removed from the httpd configuration.

For a standard httpd deployment, mod_proxy_balancer is loaded in /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-proxy.conf.

SELinux Configuration

If the host has SELinux enabled, we will need to install additional policies to allow httpd to write mod_cluster-related files in /var/log/httpd.

Windows Installation

TODO, manual page 6, section 2.2.4 Install on Windows.

Java Components Installation