Httpd Proxy

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Container directive for directives applied to proxied resources. Directives placed in <Proxy> sections apply only to matching proxied content.


A backend URL matches the configuration section of a <Proxy> container directive if it begins with the wildcard-url string, even if the last path segment in the directive only matches a prefix of the backend URL. For example <Proxy ""> matches "". This behavior differs from the behavior of <Location>.


<Proxy wildcard-url>

<Proxy> and Balancer Workers

If the Proxy directive scheme starts with "balancer://", the directive defines the members of a virtual worker that balances amongst its members. For more details see:

mod_proxy Concepts - Balancer Workers

Balancer Configuration Reference


Defines the load balancing scheduler method to use. Available options:

  • byrequests
  • bytraffic
  • bybusyness

The default value is "byrequests".

The load balancing dynamics is explained here: Httpd_mod_proxy_Concepts#mod_proxy Concepts - Load_Balancing.


The maximum number of failover attempts before giving up. The default is equal with the number of members minus 1, or 1 if there is a single member. The load balancing dynamics is explained here: Httpd_mod_proxy_Concepts#mod_proxy Concepts - Load_Balancing.