OpenShift Command Line Tools

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User may interact with OpenShift by sending REST API invocations into an OpenShift master. Project-related queries and administrative commands may be sent with oc. Special administrative commands related to core OpenShift services, may be sent with oadm


The tool configuration is maintained in user's ~/<user>/.kube/config.


Both oc and oadm maintain state on the client host, under ~/<user>/.kube/<cluster-identifier> directories, and configuration in ~/<user>/.kube/config. Example:



The context of an invocation consists in a project (namespace) name, an OpenShift cluster name, and the name of the OpenShift user. A list of known contexts, and the current context are maintained in user's .kube/config:

- context:
    cluster: master-openshift-novaordis-io:443
    namespace: default
    user: system:admin/master-openshift-novaordis-io:443
  name: default/master-openshift-novaordis-io:443/system:admin
- context:
    cluster: master-openshift-novaordis-io:443
    namespace: playground
    user: system:admin/master-openshift-novaordis-io:443
  name: playground/master-openshift-novaordis-io:443/system:admin
current-context: default/master-openshift-novaordis-io:443/system:admin