Oc delete

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Deletes a resource, possibly specified in YAML or JSON format in a local file.

To investigate a resource to be deleted, it may be possible to use oc edit.

Deleting with Selectors

oc delete pod -l 'component=fluentd'

The selector syntax (-l) is similar to oc get's.

Deleting Related Objects

A common patter is to label all related objects with a common label - for example, a deployment configuration, service and route of an application, and then delete them in a single transaction, as such:

oc delete dc,route,svc -l <common-app-labs>l=<app-name>
oc delete dc,route,svc -l app=noss

Note that "dc,route,svc" argument must not contain spaces.

Deleting All Resources Associated with a Label

To avoid specifying the object type, the following form can be used:

oc delete all -l <common-app-labs>l=<app-name>



Deletes a user identity.

oc delete identity htpasswd:user1