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After a [[#Stage|stage]] is completed, the pipeline transitions the [[#Revision|revision]] and its artifacts created by the [[#Action|actions]] in that stage to the next stage in the pipeline. A transition can be manually enabled or disabled.

Revision as of 17:32, 17 March 2019



CodePipeline as AWS Service

CodePipeline is an AWS service, named "".


Pipeline Structure

A pipeline is a top-level AWS resource that provides CI/CD release pipeline functionality.

From a conceptual perspective, a pipeline is a workflow construct that describes how software changes go through a release process.

As implemented in AWS, the pipeline, consist in a set of sequential stages, each stage containing one or more actions. A specific stage is always in a fixed position relative to other stages. However, actions within a stage can be executed sequentially, according their run order or in parallel. Stages and actions process artifacts, which "advance" along the pipeline. A pipeline can be created the following CloudFormation sequence:

    Name: !Ref AWS::StackName
    Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline
      RoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::777777777777:role/CodePipelineServiceRole-1'
        Type: 'S3'
        Location: 'experimental-s3-bucket-for-codepipeline'

An example of a simple, working GitHub-based pipeline is available here:

Simple GitHub - Simulated Shell Build - Simulated Deployment Pipeline

Required Configuration

The pipeline requires a number of configuration properties:


The pipeline needs to be associated with a service role, which allows the codepipeline service to execute various actions required by pipeline operations.


The pipeline requires an artifact store, which provides the storage for transient and final artifacts that are processed by the various stages and actions. In most cases, the storage is provided by an Amazon S3 bucket. "Location" specifies the name of the bucket. When the pipeline is initialized, the codepipeline service creates a directory associated with the pipeline. The directory will have the same name as the pipeline. As the pipeline operates, sub-directories corresponding to various input and output artifacts declared by actions will be also created.

When Amazon Console is used to create the first pipeline, an S3 bucket is created in the same region as the pipeline to be sued items for all pipelines in that region, associated with the account.

Optional Configuration

Optionally, a name can also be configured with a name:


Optional parameter, that provides the physical ID for the pipeline. If not specified, a name will be generated based on the stack-name-Pipeline-24RCYXM52UE6A pattern. A recommended name is:

Name: !Ref AWS::StackName


A revision is a change made to a source that feeds a pipeline. The revision can be triggered by a git push command, or an S3 file update in a versioned S3 bucket. Each revision runs separately through the pipeline. Multiple revisions can be processed in the same pipeline, but each stage can process only one revision at a time. Revisions are run through the pipeline as soon as a change is made in the location specified in the source stage of the pipeline.


A stage is a component of the workflow implemented by the pipeline. Each stage has an unique name within the pipeline. A pipeline must have at least 2 stages, one-stage pipeline will be considered invalid. A stage contains one or more actions, which could be executed sequentially or in parallel. All actions configured in a stage must complete successfully before a stage is considered complete.

    Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline
        - Name: ...
            - ...
        - Name: ...
            - ...



An action is a task performed on an artifact, and it is triggered at a specific stage of a pipeline. The action may occur in a specified order, or in parallel, depending on their configuration. All actions share a common structure:

Action Name

An action name must match the regular expression pattern: [A-Za-z0-9.@\-_]+ The action name must not contain spaces.

Action Type Declaration (ActionTypeId)


The action type declaration specifies an action provider. Currently, six types of actions are supported:

Custom actions can also be developed.

Input Artifacts


An action declares zero or more input artifacts. These are actually files to be processed by the action. As an implementation detail, the name of an input artifact corresponds to the name of a sub-directory of the pipeline directory maintained in the artifact store of the pipeline.

Output Artifacts


An action declares zero or more output artifacts, which are the names or the IDs of the results of the action. Very commonly, an output artifact is the name of an S3 folder, created by the pipeline inside the pipeline's S3 folder, which is created inside the artifact store S3 bucket. The "OutputArtifact" S3 folder by the action.

Run Order


Configuration elements are specific to the action provider and are passed to it.

Available Actions


Source Action Integrations
    Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline
        - Name: Source
            - Name: !Sub 'github-pull-${Branch}'
                Category: Source
                Owner: ThirdParty
                Version: '1'
                Provider: GitHub
                Owner: !Ref GitHubOrganizationID
                Repo: !Ref GitHubRepositoryName
                Branch: !Ref Branch
                OAuthToken: !Ref GitHubPersonalAccessCode
              InputArtifacts: []
                - Name: 'sources'
              RunOrder: 1
        - Name: ...

The action provider, which can be GitHub or other source repository provider, performs a repository clone and packages the content as a ZIP file. The ZIP file is placed in the artifact store, under the directory corresponding to the pipeline and the sub-directory named based on the "OutputArtifacts.Name" configuration element. Assuming that the pipeline is named "thalarion", the output ZIP file is placed in s3://thalarion-buildbucket-enqyf1xp13z2/thalarion/sources.

An example of a simple, working GitHub-based pipeline is available here:

Simple GitHub - Simulated Shell Build - Simulated Deployment Pipeline

GitHub Authentication

GitHub Authentication for AWS CodePipeline


Build Action Integration
Use CodePipeline with AWS CodeBuild to Test Code and Run Builds
    Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline
        - Name: Build
            - Name: !Sub '${Buildspec}-driven-CodeBuild'
                Category: Build
                Owner: AWS
                Version: '1'
                Provider: CodeBuild
                - Name: 'sources'
                - Name: 'build'
                ProjectName: !Ref CodeBuildProject
              RunOrder: 1
        - Name: ...

The action provider, which in this case is the CodeBuild service, executes the build. Existing build projects can be used, or new ones can be created in the CodePipeline console. The build artifacts are placed in the artifact store, under the directory corresponding to the pipeline and the sub-directory named based on the "OutputArtifacts.Name" configuration element. Assuming that the pipeline is named "thalarion", the build artifacts are placed in s3://thalarion-buildbucket-enqyf1xp13z2/thalarion/build-files. The following article explains in detail how CodePipeline and CodeBuild interact:

CodePipeline-Driven CodeBuild Builds

An example of a simple, working GitHub-based pipeline is available here:

Simple GitHub - Simulated Shell Build - Simulated Deployment Pipeline



AWS CloudFormation Configuration Properties Reference
    Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline
        - Name: Deploy
            - Name: !Sub '${DeploymentStackTemplate}-driven-deployment'
                Category: Deploy
                Owner: AWS
                Version: '1'
                Provider: CloudFormation
                - Name: 'sources'
                - Name: 'build'
              OutputArtifacts: []
                StackName: !Ref ProjectID
                TemplatePath: !Sub sources::${DeploymentStackTemplate}
                # The union of parameters specified in 'TemplateConfiguration' and in 'ParameterOverrides' must
                # match exactly the set of deployment template parameters that do not have defaults
                TemplateConfiguration: build::cloudformation-deployment-configuration.json
                # parameter values specified in "ParameterOverrides" take precedence over the values specified in
                # 'TemplateConfiguration'
                ParameterOverrides: !Sub '{ "MyConfigurationParameterA": "yellow", "MyConfigurationParameterB": "black" }'
                ActionMode: CREATE_UPDATE
                Capabilities: CAPABILITY_IAM
                  Fn::ImportValue: !Sub '${ProjectID}-cloudformation-service-role-ARN'
              RunOrder: 1

This step relies on the presence of a CloudFormation stack template somewhere in an artifact produced by a previous pipeline stage. The name of the template file is configured as "TemplatePath". In the example above, the template path is relative the "source" InputArtifact, so it is expected to be found in the source tree.

A CloudFront template can be configured externally with parameters, and thus the deployment template can be configured by providing configuration values in a configuration file, specified as "TemplateConfiguration". "TemplateConfiguration" has the ArtifactName::TemplateConfigurationFileName format, which means that the template configuration file must be produced by one of the previous pipeline steps and must be placed in one of the artifacts. If the template configuration file is not found, maybe because the none of the previous stages created it, the deployment stage will fail with an S3 error. The configuration file allows JSON and YAML. A JSON configuration file is similar to:

  "Parameters": {
     "MyConfigurationParameter": "my value"

The buildspec produces it as follows:

  - echo "{\"Parameters\":{\"MyConfigurationParameter\":\"spurious\"}}" > ./cloudformation-deployment-configuration.json

Note that all parameters that do not have defaults in the deployment template must be provided, otherwise the deployment will fail with: "Action execution failed: Parameters: [...] must have values (Service: AmazonCloudFormation; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError."

It is possible to override values in the template configuration file in the pipeline definition, using the "ParameterOverrides" key. If the same parameter is specified both in "ParameterOverrides" and in the template configuration file, the value specified in "ParameterOverrides" takes precedence.

The union of parameters specified as "ParameterOverrides" and those coming from the configuration files should match exactly the no-default template parameter set.

An example of a simple, working GitHub-based pipeline is available here:

Simple GitHub - Simulated Shell Build - Simulated Deployment Pipeline



Custom Action

Custom actions can be developed.


After a stage is completed, the pipeline transitions the revision and its artifacts created by the actions in that stage to the next stage in the pipeline. A transition can be manually enabled or disabled.