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* [[helm upgrade]]
* [[helm rollback]]


Revision as of 17:11, 28 August 2019




Helm Glossary - Chart

A chart is a Helm package, the Kubernetes equivalent of a yum RPM file or a Homebrew formula. A chart contains all resource definitions necessary to deploy and run an application inside Kubernetes.

Chart Installation

Charts are installed and turned into releases with helm install. The installation is an asynchronous process, the Helm client does not wait until all resources are running before it exits, this is because charts may require large Docker images that take long to install in the cluster. Without additional input, a chart will be installed with the default configuration.

The default option for the helm install command is to install from the default repository. However, the chart may come from other sources: a local file, an unpacked chart directory or a URL.

Chart Configuration

Charts may, and usually will, expose configuration options. To see what configuration options are available for a chart use helm inspect values. Any available configuration options can be overridden by providing a YAML-formatted file that is then passed during installation with the helm install -f|--values flag.

Default Configuration

Chart Archive

Chart Operations


Helm Glossary - Repository

A repository is a place where charts are collected and shared. When Helm is installed, it is pre-configured to look into the official Kubernetes chart repository, named "stable". Repositories can be searched for charts with helm search.

Default Repository

Repository Operations



Helm Glossary - Release

A release is a running instantiation of a chart, to which a specific config was applied. Whenever a chart is installed, a new release is created. One chart can be installed multiple times into the same cluster, and each can be independently managed and upgraded. Each release has its own release name.

Release Name

If not specified, release names are generated (e.g. "happy-panda"). To specify a release name, use helm install --name.

Release Operations


  • If I rely on a dependency referred from an external Helm repository, and the repository exposes newer versions, can I still rely on the fact that the old version is still available? I might not want to upgrade to the "latest", but keep using a version I tested with and was proven stable.


The Helm Client

The client is responsible for managing charts.

The Tiller Server

The server is responsible for managing releases.

Tiller stores release information in ConfigMaps in the namespace where it is running. It could be configured to use a storage backend that uses Secrets for storing release information. More here. It could also be configured to use an SQL storage backend for storing release information. More here.


Security Concepts