Helm Dependencies

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Revised for Helm 3

To Deplete

Helm Dependencies TODEPLETE

How Helm Dependencies Work

Helm does not automatically handle transitive dependencies, in the manner that Maven, for example, does. Intermediate manual steps are required to install a chart that depends on other charts.

If we simply declare the chart "a" as dependent on chart "b" in the dependencies section of the "a"'s Chart and we attempt to install the chart "a", we get this:

Error: found in Chart.yaml, but missing in charts/ directory: b

Dependency Declaration

Dependencies are declared in Chart.yaml 'dependencies' section.

  - name: # The name of the dependency
    version: # The version of the dependency
    repository: # Repository URL


# 'a' Chart.yaml
  - name: b
    version: 1.0.0
    repository: # Repository URL

Dependencies and Values

Dependency Operations