Helm Notable Values

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Numeric Zero

For a numeric zero declared as:

myValue: 0

the following expressions evaluate to false:

Evaluates to false:

{{ if .Values.myValue }}

the following expressions evaluate to true:

{{ if empty .Values.myValue }}
{{ if (eq 0 (int .Values.myValue)) }}
{{ printf "%T" .Values.myValue }}

returns float64

{{ typeOf .Values.myValue }}

returns float64

Distinguishing between Zero and Empty String

{{- if kindIs "float64" .Values.myValue -}}
    {{- if .Values.myValue -}}
        {{- .Values.myValue -}}
    {{- else -}}
    {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Boolean True

Boolean False

Empty Value (nil)

{{ printf "%T" .Values.myValue }}

returns <nil>

{{ typeOf .Values.myValue }}

returns <nil>

Empty String

Missing YAML Path Elements


if/else | nil pointer evaluating interface