Helm package

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Revised for Helm 3

helm package ./my-chart

The command packages a chart into a versioned chart archive file. The command needs the path to the directory containing the chart's Chart.yaml. Chart.yaml version element is used when generating the package name: when generating a package, the package command will use the version that it finds in the Chart.yaml as a token in the package name. The chart archive is saved in the directory the command is run from, unless --destination is used.

Packaging and Dependencies

If the chart being packaged declares dependencies, the dependency charts must be available in the charts/ directory, otherwise the packaging attempt will fail:

Error: found in Chart.yaml, but missing in charts/ directory: some-chart

If that is the case, --dependency-update option must be used, or help dependency update must be run on the chart before attempting to package it.


-d, --destination

The directory where to write the chart archive. The default is ".".

-u, --dependency-update

Perform a dependency update before packaging. Equivalent with running helm dependency update.


Use it to see what is packaged in the chart.