OpenShift Pod Operations

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List Pods for a Project

oc get projects

oc get -n <project-name> pods

List Pods on Nodes

oadm manage-node <node-name> --list-pods

Pod Status

The most complete information set is generated by "oc get -o yaml pod ..." and "oc describe pod ...":

oc [-n <project-name>] [[oc get#pods|get pods]
oc [-n <project-name>] -o yaml get pod] <pod-name>
oc [-n <project-name>] describe pod <pod-name>
oc [-n <project-name>] describe pod/<pod-name>
oc [-n <project-name>] edit pod/<pod-name>

Monitor Pod's Logs

oc logs -f <pod-name>

Execute Commands in Containers

oc rsh <pod-id> <command>

Update a Pod Defintion

Stopping Pods

A pod can be stopped by deleting its associated "pod" object:

oc delete pod/logging-fluentd-3kz30

The controller (either replication or DamonSet) will detect that the pod is missing and it will start a new one.

Evacuate Pods from Node

Only pods backed by replication controllers can be evacuated. The "bare" pods cannot be evacuated.

Mark the node as unschedulable.

Scaling Down and Up the Number of Replicas associated with a DeploymentConfig

Application Operations - Scaling Up and Down the Number of Replicas associated with a DeploymentConfig