Python Language Exceptions

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Exceptions are Python's main error handling mechanism. try/except is a language-level mechanism to handle errors (traceback) that may be caused by a section of the code.

Exceptions can be triggered explicitly from the program code with raise. A convenient way to conditionally trigger an exception (AssertionError) in the code, use assert.


try/except is a language-level mechanism to handle errors (traceback) that may be caused by a section of the code. This syntax eliminates tracebacks.

  # do something
  # execute if the previous block caused an error



Avoid raising generic Exceptions, try to be specific as possible with the exception type and use the most specific exception type that semantically fits the issue.

raise ValueError('function invoked with no arguments')


The assert statement can be used to trigger an AssertionError conditionally. It can be use with an optional error message, which is becoming part of the exception if the assertion proves false:

assert s is not None
assert s is not None, 'The string was supposed to be set!'

Exception Chaining

Exceptions can be chained, which preserves tracebacks:

raise RuntimeError('specific message') from error

Predefined Exceptions

 ├─ SystemExit
 ├─ KeyboardInterrupt
 ├─ GeneratorExit
 └─ Exception
     ├─ StopIteration
     ├─ StopAsyncIteration
     ├─ ArithmeticError
     │   ├─ FloatingPointError
     │   ├─ OverflowError
     │   └─ ZeroDivisionError
     ├─ AssertionError
     ├─ AttributeError
     ├─ BufferError
     ├─ EOFError
     ├─ ImportError
     │   └─ ModuleNotFoundError
     ├─ LookupError
     │    ├─ IndexError
     │    └─ KeyError
     ├─ MemoryError
     ├─ NameError
     │    └─ UnboundLocalError
     ├─ OSError
     │    ├─ BlockingIOError
     │    ├─ ChildProcessError
     │    ├─ ConnectionError
     │    │    ├─ BrokenPipeError
     │    │    ├─ ConnectionAbortedError
     │    │    ├─ ConnectionRefusedError
     │    │    └─ ConnectionResetError
     │    ├─ FileExistsError
     │    ├─ FileNotFoundError
     │    ├─ InterruptedError
     │    ├─ IsADirectoryError
     │    ├─ NotADirectoryError
     │    ├─ PermissionError
     │    ├─ ProcessLookupError
     │    ├─ TimeoutError
     ├─ ReferenceError
     ├─ RuntimeError
     │    ├─ NotImplementedError
     │    └─ RecursionError
     ├─ SyntaxError
     │    └─ IndentationError
     │         └─ TabError
     ├─ SystemError
     ├─ TypeError
     ├─ ValueError
     │    └─ UnicodeError
     │         ├─ UnicodeDecodeError
     │         ├─ UnicodeEncodeError
     │         └─ UnicodeTranslateError
     └─ Warning
          ├─ DeprecationWarning
          ├─ PendingDeprecationWarning
          ├─ RuntimeWarning
          ├─ SyntaxWarning
          ├─ UserWarning
          ├─ FutureWarning
          ├─ ImportWarning
          ├─ UnicodeWarning
          ├─ BytesWarning
          ├─ EncodingWarning
          └─ ResourceWarning