Git config

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git config is used to read and manipulate entries in the Git configuration files.

More info:

git config --help

Configuration Operations

List the Configuration

git config [--system|--global|--local] -l

List the Remote Origin URL

git config --get remote.<origin-name>.url
git config --get remote.origin.url

Configure a Setting

git config [--system|--global|--file] <some.git.option> <value>
git config --global push.autoSetupRemote true

Get a Setting

git config --get <>

Remove a Setting

git config --unset [--file|--global|--system] <some.git.option>

Remote Manipulation




Configure the Commit Author

This command configures the current repository only (--local is implied by default):

git config "Ovidiu Feodorov"
git config ""

The configuration propagates to .git/config [user] section.

The same effect can be achieved by setting GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL environment variables.

To configure commit author information for all repositories the user interacts with, use --global. If set on a specific repository, the repository-specific setting will take precedence. For more details on configuration hierarchy, see Git Configuration.

git config --global "Ovidiu Feodorov"
git config --global ""

Configure an Alias

git config --global 'log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline'

Turn Off SSL Server Certificate Verification for a Specific Repository

The setting is controlled by http.sslVerify configuration element:

cd <repository_dir>
git config http.sslVerify true|false

and ends up in modifying .git/config's [http] section as follows:

     sslVerify = true|false

The configuration setting is overridden by the GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY environment variable.

Configure and Read [url] insteadOf

To read:

git config --get url."".insteadof

To configure:

git config --global url."".insteadof ""

Also see:

Git Configuration url insteadOf