Project log4j Debugging on --verbose

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A pattern that consists in dynamically turning on logging verbosity and routing all log4j logging information to stderr if -v or --verbose command line options are used. Projects that implement it are clad, Generic Load Driver (gld), events-java-memory, events-csv etc.

This pattern only applies to command line utilities, which are supposed to run in foreground and send their logging at stdout or stderr. For processes that run in background, use Project Alternative log4j Configuration. log4j debugging on --verbose and alternative log4j configuration can be combined, where --verbose flag applies until the configuration file is parsed and the new logging configuration is installed.


Use novaordis-utilities 4.2 or newer. novaordis-utilities 4.2.0 was the first release that contains StderrVerboseLogging.

For more details, see:

StderrVerboseLogging comes with an init() static utility method that looks at the "verbose" system property and turns on stderr logging. The recommended usage pattern is:

import io.novaordis.utilities.logging.StderrVerboseLogging;


You should call StderrVerboseLogging.init() as early as possible after the JVM starts running. For suggestion on how to pass the logging verbosity option from the shell wrapper to the JVM, see Shell Wrapper Recommendations below.

If you want to enable logging manually in the program, use:

import io.novaordis.utilities.logging.StderrVerboseLogging;

if (verbose) {

Logging Pattern

The default logging pattern, hardcoded in io.novaordis.utilities.logging.StderrVerboseLogging, is:

@%t %d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%c{1}] %m%n

However, it can be changed programmatically, by calling before the init() call:

StderrVerboseLogging.setLoggingPattern("%c{1}: %m%n");

Shell Wrapper Recommendations

The recommended way to pass the "verbose" information that was already identified by a bash wrapper to the JVM is to use:


Typical bash wrapper code:

${verbose} && verbose_system_property="-Dverbose=true"

command="${java_bin} ... ${verbose_system_property} ${main_class}..."

application-shell-wrapper-template of bash-wrapper-functions implements this pattern.