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A ''tracking branch'' is a local branch that exists with the sole purpose of "tracking" a remote branch from another repository. It can be thought as a proxy for the remote branch. Because the branch is local to the repository, it is sometimes referred to as ''local tracking branch''. Because it represents a proxy of a remote branch - living in a different repository - it is sometimes referred to as ''remote-tracking branch''. Both names mean the same thing.
A ''tracking branch'' is a local branch that exists with the sole purpose of "tracking" a remote branch from another repository. It can be thought as a proxy for the remote branch. Because the branch is local to the repository, it is sometimes referred to as ''local tracking branch''. Because it represents a proxy of a remote branch - living in a different repository - it is sometimes referred to as ''remote-tracking branch''. Both names mean the same thing.

No development activity (commits) should be applied to a tracking branch. A tracking branch should be used exclusively to follow changes from another repository. Doing otherwise would cause the tracking branch to become out of sync with the remote repository, and each future update from the remote repository would require merging, making the clone repository increasingly difficult to manage. This is reinforced by the fact that checking out a tracking branch causes a [detached HEAD|GitBranches#DetachedHEADBranches].
No development activity (commits) should be applied to a tracking branch. A tracking branch should be used exclusively to follow changes from another repository. Doing otherwise would cause the tracking branch to become out of sync with the remote repository, and each future update from the remote repository would require merging, making the clone repository increasingly difficult to manage. This is reinforced by the fact that checking out a tracking branch causes a [#Detached_HEAD_Branch|detached HEAD|].

A tracking branch should modified only by operations that keeps the repositories in sync. A tracking branch is created for each topic branch in the original repository during the cloning operation, or explicitly with [[git remote]]. After repository cloning, the content of a tracking branch is kept up to date with [[git fetch]].
A tracking branch should modified only by operations that keeps the repositories in sync. A tracking branch is created for each topic branch in the original repository during the cloning operation, or explicitly with [[git remote]]. After repository cloning, the content of a tracking branch is kept up to date with [[git fetch]].

Revision as of 20:48, 19 March 2018


Object Store

Git places only four types of atomic objects in the object store: blobs, trees, commits and tags. To use disk space and network bandwidth efficiently, Git compresses and stores the objects in pack files, which are also placed in the object store. The Git object store is implemented as a content-addressable storage system: each object has an unique name produced by applying a SHA1 function to the content of the object. Git is a content tracking system - it tracks content, and not file or directory names, which are associated with file content in secondary ways. The repository objects are stored in:


Git inserts a / after the first two digits to improve filesystem efficiency. Some filesystems slow down if you put too many files in the same directory; making the first byte of the SHA1 into a directory is an easy way to create a fixed, 256-way partitioning of the namespace for all possible objects with an even distribution.

The content of repository objects can be queried with git cat-file.

SHA1, Hash Code, Object ID

Each object in the Object Repository has an unique name produced by applying a SHA1 function to the content of the object. SHA1, hash code and object ID are used interchangeably.


Each version of a file is represented as a blob (binary large object), treated as opaque. A blob contains the file's data, but none of its metadata, not even the file name. Git internal database stores every version of every file - not their differences - as files are modified and go from one version to the next. Because Git uses the hash of a file's complete content as the name for that file, it must operate on each complete copy of the file. Because Git does not maintain deltas, diffs and patches are derived data, not the fundamental data they are in CVS or Subversion.


A tree object represents a directory. It records blob identifiers, pathnames, and metadata for all files in the directory. It also contains, recursively, other sub-tree objects. Tree objects are created from the index with git write-tree. The trees are stored in the object store and can be listed with git cat-file.


A commit object encapsulates an atomic changeset of the workspace. Internally, the commit object contains 1) metadata (author of the change, the committer, commit date and time, log message) 2) points to tree object that captures, in one complete snapshot, the state of the repository at the time the commit was performed and 3) the previous (parent) commit. By default, the author and the committer are the same, there are just a few situations when they're different. The commit objects are created internally with git commit-tree and the user-level commit mechanics is encapsulated in git commit.

The initial commit (the root commit) has no parent. The rest of the commits in a repository are derived from at least one earlier commit, where the direct ancestors are called parent commits. Most commits have one parent. When we commit after a merge, that commit has more than one parent. Each commit points back to its parent(s). The commit object are stored in a graph structure, different from the structure used by the tree objects. When you make a new commit, you can give it one or more parent commits. The HEAD commit an implicit reference pointing to the most recent commit on a branch. For more about references, see references. For more about naming, see Names in Git. The primary command to show the history of commits is git log. Other commands useful for locating commits are git bisect and git blame.

DAG and Reachable Commits

The commits form logical Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) and it makes sense to talk about relative positions among commits. Git has a special notation for that: relative commit names. In a Git commit graph, the set of reachable commits are those you can reach from a given commit by traversing the directed parent links. Conceptually, the set of reachable commits is the set of ancestor commits that flow into and contribute to a given starting commit.


A tag assigns an arbitrary yet presumably human readable name to a specific object, usually a commit. Each tag can point to at most one commit. The tag object contains the log message, author information and the commit it points to. The commit object points to a tree object, which encompasses the total state of the entire hierarchy of files and directories in the repository. A tag is a static name that does not change over time. You can give a tag and a branch the same name. There are two types of tags: lightweight and annotated. Only the annotated tags create objects in the repository.

Tags are created, listed and deleted with git tag. A specific tag can be checked out in a "detached head" with git checkout.

Names in Git


References available in a remote repository can be listed with git ls-remote.




Relative Commit Names

Local Repository

The repository maintained on a local filesystem that is currently interacted with is called the local or current repository.

Remote Repository

A repository maintained on a remote host, but with which files are exchanged, is called a remote repository. The references available in a remote repository can be listed with git ls-remote.

The local repository tracks a number of branches from any number of remote repositories, via remote-tracking branches.


A remote is named entity whose definition is maintained in .git/config that represents a reference to a remote repository. The remote can be seen as a short name for a long URL and other configuration information.

[remote "origin"]
       url =
       fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

The 'url' is the URL of the remote repository. 'fetch' is a refspec that specifies how a local ref (which usually represents a branch) is mapped from the namespace of the source repository into the namespace of the local repository. The content of these branches will be transferred when git fetch is executed. Instead of specifying * that signifies all branches, individual branches can be listed on their own 'fetch' lines:

fetch = +refs/heads/dev:refs/remotes/origin/dev
fetch = +refs/heads/stable:refs/remotes/origin/stable

The remote definition maintained in .git/config can be manipulated with git config. The remote is used in assembling the full name for tracking branches, also declared in .git/config. Remotes can be listed, created, removed and manipulated with git remote.


The "origin" is a special remote that refers to the repository the current repository was cloned from. The name "origin" is just a default value and it can be changed if so desired with the --origin option of the git clone operation.

Upstream Repository


Local (Topic) Branch

A local (or topic) branch is a branch local to the repository, which was created to divert the development flow into solving a specific problem. The word "topic" indicates the branch has a particular purpose. It can also be referred to as a development branch. "Local" and "topic" are sometimes used in the same expression, which may sound like a tautology, unless we intend to indicate that the branch we are talking about is a topic branch in the local repository, as opposite to a topic branch in a remote repository, which automatically becomes local to that repository. For more details about repositories, see local repository and remote repository.

Tracking Branch

A tracking branch is a local branch that exists with the sole purpose of "tracking" a remote branch from another repository. It can be thought as a proxy for the remote branch. Because the branch is local to the repository, it is sometimes referred to as local tracking branch. Because it represents a proxy of a remote branch - living in a different repository - it is sometimes referred to as remote-tracking branch. Both names mean the same thing.

No development activity (commits) should be applied to a tracking branch. A tracking branch should be used exclusively to follow changes from another repository. Doing otherwise would cause the tracking branch to become out of sync with the remote repository, and each future update from the remote repository would require merging, making the clone repository increasingly difficult to manage. This is reinforced by the fact that checking out a tracking branch causes a [#Detached_HEAD_Branch|detached HEAD|].

A tracking branch should modified only by operations that keeps the repositories in sync. A tracking branch is created for each topic branch in the original repository during the cloning operation, or explicitly with git remote. After repository cloning, the content of a tracking branch is kept up to date with git fetch.

Each Local Branch Has at Most One Configured Remote-Tracking Branch

Each local branch has at most one configured remote-tracking branch:

[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master

A local branch can be merged into from a different, non-default remote-tracking branch, but that has to be specified explicitly in the command line.

Upstream Branch

Detached HEAD Branch

The default operation when working with branches is to check out the HEAD of the branch, by naming the branch in git checkout <branch-name>. However, it is possible to check out an arbitrary commit that is not the HEAD - in this case we end up with a detached HEAD branch:

git checkout <commit-id|tag-id>

Checking out into a detached HEAD is useful in the following situations:

When an arbitrary commit is checked out into a detached HEAD, git effectively creates an anonymous branch called a detached HEAD. While in a detached HEAD situation, the repository can be repositioned on the head on any existing branch with git checkout <other-existing-branch-name>, or the detached HEAD can be converted into a branch that can be modified from that point forward, thus turning an anonymous branch into a named branch, with git checkout -b <name-of-the-new-branch>.

Branch Operations

Branch Operations